Friday, June 10, 2011

Democrats touting their candidates

For as long as I can remember the Democrats have touted that the candidates they run for public office are the most brilliant people in the land.  They did it with Adlai Stevenson in 1956 when he ran against President Eisenhower.  Stevenson was supposed to be wiser than Solomon.   I was a dyed-in-the-wool Democrat in those days and I voted for him in spite of wondering about the wisdom of unilaterally stopping the testing of defensive nuclear weapons that he advocated.  But, of course, he was wiser than me - or anyone else - so I had to vote for him.  I didn’t know the Democrat Party was going to ‘morph’ into an organization that was going to attempt to impose Socialism on the country and make us a bunch of puppets led by a dictatorial puppeteer.  My real awakening came with having Obama elected to the presidency.  I suddenly became aware that the country was infested with a large number of people that were willing to embrace Socialism.  What Socialist country can they point to that would ever convince them that this is a pleasurable system to be a party of?       

Other candidates the Democrats have pumped up about their brilliance were:  Bill Bradley when he ran for the Senate in New Jersey; President Kennedy (Here, I was in full agreement.  I did have a lot of respect for the intelligence and wisdom of Kennedy.)  He was no Socialist.  He was an advocate and supporter of the free market system and his economic policies were much like Reagan’s.  He revived a stagnant economy by lowering the tax tables for highest income earners from 91 to 70 percent and the lowest from 20 to 14 percent.  Reagan’s figures were even more dramatic and in both cases economies revived that were being choked as taxes encroached to levels that were stifling the free flow of trade and causing unemployment.  The employment numbers grew and revenue flowed into the treasury in both cases.  

And now we have Obama.  Where are his school records that can show just how book smart he is?  He won’t let us see them.  He has already shown that he has no common sense.   He was supposed to have won degrees from Harvard and Columbia.  George Stephanopoulos was being interviewed on TV last year and he said, that based on what he had been hearing from Obama supporters, Obama should have been in the same class as him, studying the same subjects, and he never saw him.  Obama makes as many gaffs as there are weeks in the year.  Last week he made two (May 2011).  When a dignitary goes to a foreign land it’s customary that they acquaint themselves with the rules of protocol.  When the song God save the Queen is being played the rule is silence till it’s finished.  Obama went on with the toast until he raised his glass to the Queen and didn’t stop talking till he noticed that she wasn’t responding to him.  I’ll give him this: he’s supposed to have a committee whose job it is to apprise him of these rules of etiquette. 

But the biggest gaff of all is what he proposed for Israel a day before Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel, got here for a State Visit.  And this is something an educated person should have knowledge of.  In a meeting that was aired by Fox News by the two heads of state it was obvious that the Prime Minister had a lot more knowledge of the history of the United States than President Obama had of the Prime Minister’s.


President Obama delivered a speech the day before the Prime Minister arrived in which he proposed that Israel give up the land they acquired after the six day war in 1967.  With this unilateral display of appeasement he expected to see the Palestinians give up their quest to drive the Israelites out of the Holy Land and accept sovereign states of Palestine and Israel.  This had to be the most extraordinary display of naivete and bankruptcy of knowledge for conducting foreign affairs.  From the time Moses led the Jews to the Promised Land the people of that region have been trying to drive them out.  When Israel’s independence was reestablished May 14, 1948 they were invaded by five Arab states the next day.  The day the Palestinians accept having a land of their own at the expense of seeing Israel with one sovereign to them is the day they’ll be serving iced tea in hell.  And I don’t need a degree from Harvard to know that.   

It’s indisputable that Obama has a very charismatic likable personality with a great gift of gab.  This would make him eminently qualified to be a great master of ceremonies at an entertainment event.  But it’s not enough to qualify him to be our executive representative in conducting foreign affairs or making him qualified to guide the nation’s economy.    

Herman Cain who is vying for the nomination to be the Republican candidate for president says that President Obama could not run one of his pizza parlors.  He wasn’t saying that to be insulting.  It’s what he truly believes. President Obama has never run so much as a newspaper stand. He has nothing in his resume that would encourage Cain or any other company president to employ him to start at an executive level in any business. There is only one place where money can constantly be printed to keep a failing enterprise afloat – it’s the Federal Government. Anywhere else it’s necessary to know what to do to turn a failing business around. This is what Herman Cain did when he became Chief Executive Officer of Godfather’s Pizza. For those who didn’t know in 2008 that Obama was so totally unqualified to run the biggest business in the land as President of the United States, unless they have their heads buried in the sand, they should know it now.

Obama's latest words of wisdom

Don’t you love the latest words of wisdom that were expressed by our illustrious “brilliant” leader?  He said you have to experience a few bumps in the road on the road to recovery with the economy.  He then used the analogy that you might be hit with a truck.  Oh yeah!  Don’t you hate when that happens?  You go flying through the air and wonder if when you come down whether you’ll be in this land or the next.  I’ll take the bump in the road but not the truck.  

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

This is information that was forwarded to me through E-mail:

President Truman
established one day a year as a

National Day of Prayer." 


President Reagan
designated the
First Thursday in May of each year as
the National Day of Prayer.

In June

Candidate Barack Obama
declared that the USA
"Was no longer a 
Christian nation." 

In 2009
President Obama
canceled the 
21st annual National Day
of Prayer ceremony
at the White
House under the ruse 
Of "not wanting to offend anyone"


BUT... on September 25, 2009
from 4 AM until 7 PM,
a National Day of Prayer
was Held on Capitol Hill, 
Beside the White House.
There were over 50,000 Muslims
in  D.C. that day. 


I guess it Doesn't matter
Are offended by this event - 
We obviously
Don't count as
"anyone" Anymore. 

The direction this country is headed 
should strike fear in the heart of every Christian,
especially knowing that the 
Muslim religion believes that if Christians cannot be
converted, they should be annihilated. 

This is not a Rumor -
Go  to  the  website 
To  confirm  this  info: 

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Herman Cain's view of Obama

This is an excerpt from an article that I’m preparing for my blog site and Facebook:
Herman Cain who is vying for the nomination to be the Republican candidate for president says that President Obama could not run one of his pizza parlors.  He wasn’t saying that to be insulting.  It’s what he truly believes.  President Obama has never run so much as a newspaper stand.  He has nothing in his resume that would encourage Cain or any other company president to employ him to start at an executive level in any business.  There is only one place where money can constantly be printed to keep a failing enterprise afloat – it’s the Federal Government.  Anywhere else it’s necessary to know what to do to turn a failing business around.  This is what Herman Cain did when he became Chief Executive Officer of Godfather’s Pizza.  For those who didn’t know in 2008 that Obama was so totally unqualified to run the biggest business in the land as President of the United States, unless they have their heads buried in the sand, they should know it now.     


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Lifespan of Republics

This is something I posted awhile back.  Considering the track this country is on it could be worthwhile to be keeping in mind:

Lifespan of a Republic

This article was e-mailed to me and is on the Internet:

About the time our original 13 states adopted their new constitution, in 1787, Alexander Tytler, a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinburgh, had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic some 2,000 years prior:

"A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship."

"The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence:

From bondage to spiritual faith;

From spiritual faith to great courage;

From courage to liberty;

From liberty to abundance;

From abundance to complacency;

From complacency to apathy;

From apathy to dependence;

From dependence back into bondage."

Professor Joseph Olson of Hamline University School of Law, St. Paul, Minnesota, points out some interesting facts concerning the 2000 Presidential election:

Population of counties won by: Gore: 127 million; Bush: 143 million;

Square miles of land won by: Gore: 580,000; Bush: 2,427,000

States won by: Gore: 19 Bush: 29

Murder rate per 100,000 residents in counties won by: Gore: 13.2 Bush: 2.1

Professor Olson adds: "In aggregate, the map of the territory Bush won was mostly the land owned by the tax-paying citizens of this great country. Gore's territory mostly encompassed those citizens living in government-owned tenements and living off government welfare..."

Olson believes the United States is now somewhere between the "complacency and apathy" phase of Professor Tyler's definition of democracy, with some 40 percent of the nation's population already having reached the "governmental dependency" phase.