Monday, April 9, 2012

Bill O'Reilly's Mike Wallace interview

This is a letter I sent Laura Ingraham when she filled in for Bill O'Reilly on 4/9/12.  She showed an interview Bill conducted some time ago.  He asked Wallace what he thought of different presidents:

Dear Laura,

If Bill had asked me what I thought of President Bush, I would have said I thought he was a great president. Following 9/11 he gave the right answer to the terrorists who thought they had a safe haven in Afghanistan. When they fled to Iraq he went after them there and kept them so busy on their own turf that they couldn’t wreak havoc here. Getting rid of the “Butcher of Baghdad” and his serial rapist sons served the world well too.

And thank you Brit Hume for showing the video of Barney Frank and his cronies on the Banking Committee
where they’re pushing back on President Bush saying Freddie Mac and Fanny Mae had to be reined in before it leads to a catastrophic housing mortgage meltdown. I looked at that video on YouTube numerous times and showed it to as many people I could reach in my own limited capacity. As early as three months into his first term he was urging the Banking Committee to do something. After the elections of 2006, that provided for the seating of a vetoproof Democrat Congress in January 2007, housing mortgage matters and the purse strings were completely out of the President’s control. The RINO Senator from Maine helped with that. The elections of 2006 had to do with the electorate’s weariness with the war, not the economy. The unemployment rate in January 2007 was 4.6%. After the last two years of the Bush administration when the Democrats controlled the economy the rate was 7.8%.

A very important thing I never hear mentioned is what OPEC did to us in 2008 when they gradually brought the price of their oil to the peak of $147.00 a barrel. We have none but the Democrats for not letting us make full use of our own natural resources so as to be energy independent. That was the hammer blow that brought the meltdown of our economy.

President Bush would never be given any medals for oratory but he spoke honestly and with sincerity. President Obama is a gifted speaker (when he uses his teleprompter and doesn’t stray from the script) but his actions almost never coincide with his words. There are many things he says that I have to challenge as being truthful.