Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Dave Koller

I accidentally tripped over a liberal talk show host I never heard of before named Dave Koller when I was looking up something on the web about the Fox News program The Five.  If you’re ever searching for a liberal who can give an intelligent analysis of an issue and who can make a sensible counter to an argument being made by a conservative you wouldn’t want to find one like Dave Koller.  I thought I’d never get to know what it was that was on his mind.  He just kept ranting on, laughing and making a lot of profane remarks and having a good time entertaining himself but not saying much of substance as he was telling us that he thought all the members of The Five were stupid but couldn’t give an explanation of why he thought so.  It seems as though the level of the intellect of most liberals in debating an issue with a conservative is to respond by calling them stupid.  There are exceptions but I rarely see a liberal who can present an incisive commentary on why they are in disagreement when they’re debating an issue with a conservative.  Kirsten Powers is one of the most intelligent liberals to listen to and makes points that are worth hearing.  Juan Williams talks with intelligence but I’m rarely on board agreeing with him.  But liberals like Dave Koller, whose comments match the level of maturity of a sixth grade schoolboy could only titillate people whose level of intelligence is no greater than his.       

Saturday, June 15, 2013


This is an article from the 3/16/11 issue of the Washington Times that's worth dusting off again to show why Obama is doing everything he can to create dependency on government.  With dependency comes control:


Obamacare Alternative

This is an interesting article in the 6/10/13 issue of the Washington Times.  There are some interesting highlights.  One is the explanation of how the Amish want no help from the government for their healthcare or any other handout.  They have their own methods of taking care of one another and pooling their resources to help a family when it's in financial trouble:



Monday, June 3, 2013

Dependency vs. Self-reliance

Dependency vs. Self-reliance

This is something that was part of a letter I wrote to my son in Florida two months ago that I think would be worth being a post for Facebook: 

I’m not optimistic about what’s ahead for this country no matter what Republican candidate becomes the nominee in 2016.  With 47% of the electorate paying no income tax and living in a state of dependency on government and are content on staying there we’re not far from the Socialists having a permanent majority that will lead to a single party state and dictatorship.  We’re not far from dictatorship right now as Obama runs the country through the EPA and HHS and whatever other agency he can use to get around the Constitution. 

There has never been a Republic that has ever lasted much more than 200 years.  We’re behind schedule right now.  Gimmeites prevail to elect power hungry dictators that hold out bait to them, having very little awareness that there’s a hook in that bait.   They’re like termites.  Termites destroy houses.  Gimmeites destroy republics.  Just imagine how much better off we’d be if the mindset of the people in this country embraced the attitudes of Doctor Ben Carson who stresses personal responsibility and self reliance instead of a bunch of people who want to live like fish in a water tank waiting for someone to feed them.