Monday, October 28, 2013

Obama minus teleprompter

This comes from Danish TV.  This is embarrassing.

You'll probably NEVER see this on American TV or on late night talk shows like Letterman. Obama cannot function without a script and/or teleprompter! This is what is on European TV. Truly embarrassing!
Click below to watch.


Wednesday, October 9, 2013

U. S. will not default

U. S. will not default

For all of the talk that the sky will fall if we default on the national debt, there is one thing you could bet your house and lot on, with no fear of losing.  It’s that the United States will not default on its debt obligations.  Peter Morici is a former chief economist with the International Trade Commission.  He is currently a professor of international business at the R. H. Smith School of Business.  When he was a guest on Fox News on Monday, 10/7/13 a little after 1:00 PM he said that the United States takes in two hundred and fifty billion dollars a month in taxes – it’s not exactly broke - and it pays twenty five billion every month toward interest on its debt obligations.  The only way a country can go into default is for it not to keep pace with paying the interest on the national debt.   If that happened it would cause serious consequences for its credit rating.  Now, what do you think would be the first thing the Government would want to tap the $250,000,000,000 it takes in every month to pay for?

President Obama, Senators Chuck Schumer and Harry Reid and all the rest of the Democrat fear-mongers know that the average Joe is not knowledgeable enough about the machinations of government to see through the lies they’re telling him.  They know that Joe knows more about what’s happening with Lindsay Lohan and the movie stars in Hollywood than they know about what goes on in Washington, DC.  They can tell him anything.  And, with the mainstream media thoroughly in the pocket of this administration there’s no lie that won’t be thoroughly embellished and polished like a shiny red apple for Joe’s consumption.

Like a pouting schoolboy, Obama is doing everything he can to make the partial shutdown and the sequester as painful for people as he possibly can.   He’s spending all his time campaigning to create the impression that the partial shutdown is because the Republican held House of Representatives won’t help him squeeze every drop of blood from the American taxpayer to help him pay for every nanny entitlement he can think of.  Closing the doors to the White House for tours for schoolchildren, barricading the open air WWII Memorial to keep out war veterans for their ceremonies and every other petty nuisance he can create are all designed to promote the image that it’s the fault of the mean old Republican controlled “House.”  That house is also the custodian of the American taxpayer’s dollar and is doing what it can to keep a spending-our-of-control executive from digging into our worn out pockets.  The multimillion dollar vacation Obama and his family took to Kenya recently could have paid for months of whatever costs are incurred to keep some of the sites open that he closed.

The most disgraceful act of all has been Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel’s refusal to allow the death benefits to be paid to the families of fallen service people in Afghanistan since the partial shutdown.  Surely out of that two hundred and fifty billion dollars that gets paid into the treasury monthly the $100,000 dollars that gets paid to the several dozen families of service people who died in action should be able to be found.  That should be one of the highest priorities of responsibilities to be taken care of.          

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Generous Emperor

This is a post I wrote for my blog site a few months back that I just discovered I didn't publish.  It's probably still worth reading:

Generous Emperor

There just seems no end to Emperor Obama’s goodness.  Have you heard the latest?  He’s proposing having the Government administer people’s 401-K accounts.  When you think of it, there’s none better than the government to be the administrator of programs, right?  And to make things easier for them they could eventually put the money into the general fund the way they did with Social Security in the 60s.  They could keep a record of everyone’s account and give them payouts till their account is depleted. 

Now I wonder how they would handle things if the person died with money still left in their account – or if they never lived long enough to even start drawing on it.  Because the money would be in the general fund, would the Government consider it as being their money, or would they see to it that it was given to the proper heir?

Another thing that President Obama is doing is ruling through his agencies such as EPA, HHS, IRS and others.  If he can’t get Congress to present him with a bill that he wants to sign into law – in other words, doing things the proper way and the way the Constitution prescribes – he has his agencies legislate by regulation.  The EPA is especially good at that as they shut down oil drilling sites and coal producing companies as it forces the country to turn to very expensive renewable sources of energy such as wind and solar etc.  Our severely stressed economy is in no condition to be doing that at this time.  Anyone who doesn’t like it can sue of course but litigation would take years.  So much for swearing on the Bible that he’ll honor the Constitution.

Check out the link below to see what oil is doing for the economy of Saudi Arabia and providing the revenue to give them the opportunity to do the research and development of renewable sources of energy. Today’s price - 2/5/13 - for a gallon of gas there is sixty one cents. We have all the natural gas and oil we need to make that kind of price possible right here.  They’re hoping to make renewable sources such as wind and solar practical and affordable enough to depend on in less than twenty years.  They are also sensible enough not to be destroying their economy by relying on it prematurely and are making use of their oil for their energy needs till solar etc. is practical and affordable enough to be placing their reliance on.