Monday, January 27, 2014

Why she stays home

Why Michelle stays home
This is the text of an e-letter I received
  She has yet to accompany him to any Arab country?  Think about it.  Why is Michelle returning to the states when 'official' trips to foreign countries generally, include the First Lady??? Here's one thought on the matter. While in a Blockbuster renting videos, I came across a video called "Obama."  There were two men standing next to me and we talked about President Obama. These guys were Arabs, so I asked them why they thought Michelle Obama headed home following the President's recent visit to France instead of traveling on to Saudi Arabia and Turkey with her husband???  They told me she could not go to Saudi Arabia, Turkey or Iraq.  I said "Why not,(?) Laura Bush went to Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Dubai."  They said that Obama is a Muslim and therefore, he is not allowed to bring his wife into countries that adhere to Sharia Law. Two points of interest here: 1) I thought it interesting that two American Arabs, at Blockbuster, believe that our President is a Muslim, who follows a strict Islamic creed. 2) They also said that's the reason he bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia.  It was a signal to the Muslim world, acknowledging his religion. For further consideration, here is a response from Dr. Jim Murk, a Middle Eastern Scholar and expert on Islam. This is his explanation of what the Arab Americans were saying:  "An orthodox Muslim man would never take his wife on a politically oriented trip to any nation which practices Sharia law, particularly Saudi Arabia where the Wahhabi sect is dominant. This is true and it is why Obama left Michelle in Europe.  She will stay home when he visits Arab countries.  He knows Muslim protocol; this includes bowing to the Saudi King.  Obama is regarded as a Muslim in the Arab world because he was born to a Muslim father. He acknowledged his Muslim faith with George Stephanopoulus.  Note that he downplays his involvement with Christianity after touting it in the election campaign by not publicly joining a Christian church in D.C. and occasionally attending the chapel for services at Camp David. He also played down the fact that America is a Christian country and said, unbelievably, that it was one of the largest Muslim nations in the world, which is nonsense.  He has publicly taken the side of the Palestinians in the conflict with Israel, and he ignored the National Day of Prayer, something no other President has ever done.  He conceals his true faith to the detriment of the American people." > >--- Jim Murk, Doctor of Philosophy in Middle Eastern Culture & Religion. ACTIONS speak louder than words!!! > >Another interesting item regarding Sharia Law:  Why has Barack Hussein Obama insisted that the U.S. Attorney General hold the trials of the 911 Muslim Terrorists in Civilian Courts as Common Criminals, instead of as Terrorists who attacked the United States of America?  If the Muslim Terrorists are tried in Military Tribunals, convicted and sentenced to death, by LAW, Barack Hussein Obama, as President of the United States, would be required to sign their death Warrants.  He would not be required to sign the death warrants if they are sentenced to death by a Civilian Court   Muslim Jihadist, Army Major Hassan slaughtered non-Muslim soldiers at Ft. Hood, Texas rather than go to Afghanistan and be a part of anything that could lead to the deaths of fellow Muslims.  He stated that Muslims could not and should not kill fellow Muslims.  Is the motive for Barack Hussein Obama's insistence on civilian trials to make sure he doesn't have to sign the death warrants for the Muslim Terrorists?  Why would he, as President of the United States, not sign the death warrants for Muslim Terrorists who attacked the United States and murdered over 3,000 U. S. Citizens on 9/11?  Could it be that he is FORBIDDEN by his RELIGION to authorize the execution of Muslims? Think about that! Open your eyes, ears and mind to which the President is, how he behaves and what he is doing! Actions speak louder than teleprompter-written words!!! Please pass on to family and friends around the country and ask they do the same!!!

Later than we think?

This is the text of an e-letter I received. My commentary follows:

Lifespan of a Republic

About the time our original 13 states adopted their new constitution, in 1787, Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinburgh, had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic some 2,000 years prior:

"A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship."

"The average age of the worlds greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence:

From bondage to spiritual faith;

From spiritual faith to great courage;

From courage to liberty;

From liberty to abundance;

From abundance to complacency;

From complacency to apathy;

From apathy to dependence;

From dependence back into bondage."

Professor Joseph Olson of Hamline University School of Law, St. Paul, Minnesota, points out some interesting facts concerning the 2000 Presidential election:

Population of counties won by: Gore: 127 million; Bush: 143 million;

Square miles of land won by: Gore: 580,000; Bush: 2,427,000

States won by: Gore: 19 Bush: 29

Murder rate per 100,000 residents in counties won by: Gore: 13.2 Bush: 2.1

Professor Olson adds: "In aggregate, the map of the territory Bush won was mostly the land owned by the tax-paying citizens of this great country. Gore's territory mostly encompassed those citizens living in government-owned tenements and living off government welfare..."

Olson believes the United States is now somewhere between the "complacency and apathy" phase of Professor Tyler's definition of democracy, with some 40 percent of the nation's population already having reached the "governmental dependency" phase.

There’s a very strong probability that we have already crossed the threshold of Constitutional Government into despotic rule by reason of the Executive Order President Obama signed in March of 2012. In a letter being distributed by Dr. Alan Keyes, he characterizes it as the day we ceased to be a Republic. By Presidential fiat Obama declared having the power to enact martial law and suspend the Constitution in the event of any kind of a crisis. Now all he needs is a crisis. How hard is it to bring about a crisis instead of just waiting for one? Fiscal chaos has been what brought about the demise of every Republic that ever came into existence. When the Democrats took over vetoproof control of both houses of Congress in the midterm elections of 2006, two years before Obama was elected President, the national debt was six trillion dollars. It is now over seventeen trillion and growing. The United States has dropped out of the top ten of the nations being regarded as having the freest economies. It is regarded to be number twelve, behind such countries as Chile and Estonia (Fox News Saturday AM 1/18/14). Standard and Poor’s has downgraded the county’s credit rating and is now incurring the wrath of Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner (Fox News 1/21/14). By Reason of a law passed by Congress in the seventies, Executive Orders cannot be rescinded through legislation. People were rioting in the streets in Greece in 2012 because the nanny politicians that gained office by promising the people everything under the sun couldn’t make good on their promises. The CEO of the International Monetary Fund felt that Greece reached its limits on what it should be allowed to borrow and was holding back on lending Greece any more money until it enacted an austerity program. How long will it be before China and other United States Creditors feel that way about us?

When the U. S. Constitution was ratified in 1787 Benjamin Franklin said, “We’ve given you a Republic. Now it’s up to you to hold onto it.” He knew how vulnerable Republics were to self-immolation and how tenuous the grip could be to hold onto that form of government. The country is infested with Gimmeites whose liberty can be bought with as little as a cell-phone or food stamps. The famous French historian of the 19th century, Alexis de Toqueville, said, “Republics endure until people discover they were being bribed with their own money.” When Congress wanted to pass a law requiring people who were collecting unemployment insurance, over a long period of time, to show they were looking for work, Obama squelched that. He wants people to be in a state of dependency.

I borrowed the book from the library and read Obama’s Dreams From My Father. In the very first chapter of that book he shows how, as a 22 year old Columbia College student, more than anything, more than money, he has a lust for power. He quit a very good paying job and turned down another “generous offer” from another company because he wanted to get into community organizing. He says, “That’s what I’ll do. I’ll organize the black people - for change.” He cites a number of times throughout the book that he resents being a black man being brought up in a white man’s world. Although having very little contact with his father over the years, he has a high regard for his father’s intelligence. Barack Senior visited the boy in Hawaii when he was ten years old. Barack Junior couldn’t wait for his father’s month-long visit to be over. Father Barack was taking over the maternal grandparents’ home and acting like he was the head of household as though he had always been there. He was a tough task-master and thought his son should have been putting more time into his studies. Nonetheless, Barack had a lot of respect for his father who was educated at Harvard with the help of Affirmative Action. He also didn’t think it was too outlandish of his father saying, “There’s nothing wrong with taxing at 100% if the returns are commensurate with the taxes.” Does this not show the Communist leanings of both father and son? Government, apparently, knows better how to manage our money than we do.

Since President Obama has taken office five years ago 18,000 new regulations have been imposed on the American people (Fox News Saturday morning 1/18/14) through government agencies such as the EPA, IRS, HHS or whatever other agency he has at his disposal. That’s the way he gets around the Constitution.

The systematic and incremental shredding of the Constitution: Aside from the freedom of speech and freedom of peaceably assembly clauses in the First Amendment of the Constitution is the clause stating that it prohibits “impeding the free exercise of religion.” President Obama doesn’t believe he should be guided by that. The Christian owned company Hobby Lobby is facing a 1.3M daily fine for refusing to cover abortion inducing drugs in their health insurance for their employees. The Administration is currently bringing a case before the Supreme Court asking it to rule in their favor to force the Little Sisters of the Poor to include contraceptive coverage in the health insurance they provide for their secular employees. Are we all so mentally deficient in being able to understand the clause in the Constitution that says that the state may not interfere with the free exercise of our religion that it’s necessary for nine justices of the Supreme to be asked to give a ruling on it? Is it really so ambiguous? I don’t think so.

The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances”

The Second Amendment: Any excuse at all is being used by the Administration to restrict segments of the citizenry from the right to bear arms. In a letter being distributed by Steve Stockman, a Senate Candidate, tells about the latest group to be singled out to be restricted from the right to bear arms. He said that President Obama just issued an Executive Order expanding the Federal NICS (National Instant Criminal Background Check System) database on gun owners, restricting that portion of the people from having the right to bear arms, to include millions of people who simply spoke to a health professional but have not been deemed a threat or danger to anyone.

James Craig, The Chief of Police of Detroit, was a guest on Fox News in early January, 2014. He spoke on how an armed citizenry deters crime. Much of what he said is also on the Internet: 

Chief Craig spoke of how a 78 year old man was broken in on three times. The 18 year old thug did not fare too well the third time. By now the old-timer had obtained a permit to carry a gun and the intruder found the door to eternity much before what should have been his time.

We have three more years of Obama rule ahead – three more LONG years. And if he gets the henchmen he’s looking for in the 2014 elections, the country ruled by “We the People” could soon be only a memory. Instead of being ruled guided by adherence to the Constitution it could be dictatorship ruling by regulation imposed by unelected bureaucrats.

Another one of Alexis de Toqueville’s poignant statements was, “Americans would rather be equal in slavery than unequal in liberty.” If he felt that way in 1831, how much more would he believe that today?
Detroit’s police chief has a solution to help drive down crime in one of the nation’s most dangerous cities: Arm more citizens.