Sunday, June 20, 2010

Pastor addresses Kansas Senate

This is a copy of an electronic letter I received:

This is absolutely Great!!!
A Pastor with GUTS!

Thought you might enjoy this interesting prayer given in Kansas at the session of their Senate. It seems
prayer still upsets some people.. When Minister Joe Wright was asked to open the new session of the Kansas Senate, everyone was expecting the usual generalities, but this is what they heard:

Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask

your forgiveness and to seek your direction and

guidance. We know Your Word says, 'Woe to those

who call evil good,' but that is exactly what we

have done.

We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and reversed

our values.

We have exploited the poor and called it

the lottery.

We have rewarded laziness and called it


We have killed our unborn and called it


We have shot abortionists and called it


We have neglected to discipline our

children and called it building self esteem....

We have abused power and called it


We have coveted our neighbor's possessions

and called it ambition.

We have polluted the air with profanity and

pornography and called it freedom of expression.

We have ridiculed the time-honored values

of our forefathers and called it enlightenment.

Search us, Oh, God, and know our hearts

today; cleanse us from every sin and set us free.


The response was immediate. A number of

legislators walked out during the prayer in

protest. In 6 short weeks, Central Christian

Church, where Rev. Wright is pastor, logged more than

5,000 phone calls with only 47 of those calls

responding negatively. The church is now receiving

international requests for copies of this prayer

from India , Africa and Korea .

Commentator Paul Harvey aired this prayer on

his radio program, 'The Rest of the Story,'and

received a larger response to this program than any

other he has ever aired.

With the Lord's help, may this prayer sweep

over our nation and wholeheartedly become our

desire so that we again can be called 'one nation

under God.'

If possible, please pass this prayer on to

your friends... 'If you don't stand for something,

you will fall for everything.'

Think about this: If you forward this

prayer to everyone on your

e-mail list, in less than 30 days it would be

heard by the world.

Good Era

When I see what's happening to our country today I can't help being forever thankful that I lived through the era that I did.

The people in power today that are calling themselves Democrats are not Democrats. Years ago, Norman Thomas, who was a six time candidate for president under the Socialist Party ticket, stopped seeking the office and said that he no longer found it necessary to campaign for the presidency because the Democrat Party had adopted all the things he stood for.

That is never more true than it is today. Never has it been more apparent than after the Obama team of Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Rahm Emmanuel and other extreme leftists have taken over the reins of government than that there are so many people in this country that are attracted to Socialism and Communism. The enticements of these systems are that they appear to provide cradle-to-the-grave economic security. Those who are allured to their philosophies don’t have the foresight to see that their benevolence has a short life-span.

Unlike today’s socialists that are trying to purge the country of having any recognition of God, Thomas was not a Marxist. “Despite his membership in the Marxist SPA, Thomas himself was never an orthodox Marxist, instead favoring a Christian socialist orientation.” (The article subtitled Wikipidea .... in the Internet)

In a conversation I was having with “Terry” the technician that was doing a doppler examination of my legs at my doctor’s office, she said, “Well the younger people don’t have the benefit of being able to compare our times to theirs’.” This was in response to me saying, “I’m sure glad I came through the era I did.”

No one could have been a bigger fan of President John Kennedy than me. The life issues of abortion, euthanasia, embryonic stem cell research etc. had not yet become a topic of discussion in 1960.

Kennedy was not a socialist. When Kennedy, in his inauguration speech said, “Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country,“ he meant it. He was a great supporter of the free-market capitalist system and was the favorite of the working man and knew how to bring about recovery of a stagnant economy. He lowered the tax rate on highest income earners from 91 to 70 percent and lowest earners from 20 to 14 percent. It brought about a period of real economic growth and put a lot of the unemployed back on the payroll. Revenue that came in from the employers and the wage earners helped fill the government coffers. That tax system could not be locked in however and the economy was doomed to stagnate again. It was to last till the second year of President Reagan’s first term in office. Reagan, having the same mindset as Kennedy, put a hatchet to the burdensome taxing impositions and once again the economy had another life. Revenue again rained on the government.

These are the cycles our capitalist system goes through. As taxes gradually go up growth becomes stunted. Four presidents, two Democrats and two Republicans had the sense to revive the economy by having capital investment loosened by cutting taxes and the economy revived and revenue flowed into the treasury both from the businessmen and the people they employed. Of course if our illustrious leader has another agenda - to bring about a new world order modeled after the failed Socialist states in the rest of the world, the best way to do that is to create such chaos that people will believe that our only salvation is to turn ourselves over to a grand-master who knows how to manage our affairs better than we can do for ourselves.

Divine Love / Divine Tolerance

Reprint of an article in 5/24/10 issue of The Washington Times:

How much does God expect us to tolerate?

Liberals demand we tolerate lifestyles that violate our deeply held religious and moral values and contradict Holy Scripture. But should we tolerate them?

Divine Love/Divine Intolerance by Darrell J. Ahrens offers us Biblical, Historical and Sociological perspectives on Tolerance, how its meaning has been corrupted by secular-progressive liberalism, and its corrosive effects on Church, Government, Education and Society. God is profoundly merciful and forgiving, but He is not tolerant as liberals define tolerance, as this book clearly shows.

Scripture and the writings of the Founding Fathers and other historical figures make the situation clear--Our tolerance is drawing America away from its Judeo-Christian foundation and the values and vision for America our Founding Fathers insisted were crucial to the nation's welfare.

Can there be too much tolerance? Can we stop its harmful effects before we pass the point of no return? Ahrens book is essential reading for those of us wishing to halt America's decline.

Darrell J. Ahrens, author of Divine Love/Divine Tolerance, is a former Marine, Air Force fighter pilot, high school teacher, and pastor. He holds degrees from Chapman University, Boston University and Fuller Theological Seminary.

Divine Love/Divine Tolerance is available in soft cover at bookstores for $23.95.