Sunday, June 20, 2010

Divine Love / Divine Tolerance

Reprint of an article in 5/24/10 issue of The Washington Times:

How much does God expect us to tolerate?

Liberals demand we tolerate lifestyles that violate our deeply held religious and moral values and contradict Holy Scripture. But should we tolerate them?

Divine Love/Divine Intolerance by Darrell J. Ahrens offers us Biblical, Historical and Sociological perspectives on Tolerance, how its meaning has been corrupted by secular-progressive liberalism, and its corrosive effects on Church, Government, Education and Society. God is profoundly merciful and forgiving, but He is not tolerant as liberals define tolerance, as this book clearly shows.

Scripture and the writings of the Founding Fathers and other historical figures make the situation clear--Our tolerance is drawing America away from its Judeo-Christian foundation and the values and vision for America our Founding Fathers insisted were crucial to the nation's welfare.

Can there be too much tolerance? Can we stop its harmful effects before we pass the point of no return? Ahrens book is essential reading for those of us wishing to halt America's decline.

Darrell J. Ahrens, author of Divine Love/Divine Tolerance, is a former Marine, Air Force fighter pilot, high school teacher, and pastor. He holds degrees from Chapman University, Boston University and Fuller Theological Seminary.

Divine Love/Divine Tolerance is available in soft cover at bookstores for $23.95.

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