Saturday, October 30, 2010

Reply to Margot

Hi Margot,

I'm replying to you through my blogsite because of its length.


Your concerns are well taken and mirror the worries I've had if impeachment was to come about. The sentiment for that is not strong enough at this time. But with the bent that Obama is on to bring about full blown Socialism or - perish the thought - Communism and despotism, that sentiment might grow with the electorate and the press.  Hopefully, they'll wake up before it's too late. 

While the video the below link brings up showing Obama telling an audience (before he knew what he shouldn't be saying) that he was born in Kenya would not likely to be useful in a court of law, it is powerful about convincing the court of public opinion. Sometimes that court has strong influence on the legal system. Keep in mind when you watch this video that it would not be an issue if he was born into a U. S. military family when he was born in Kenya.

We presently seem to be studying what our choice of poisons should be: to simply sweat out what a foreign agent is going to be doing to this country till 2012 or to work to send him back to Chicago to do community service and risk the chaos that would be brought about by his adoring disciples.

It's not only Obamacare and what it will do to the private health care system, but the formula he's following to destroy the economy and create the impression that only government can solve our problems. One of the largest skimmers in the world was still moored in Norfolk harbor as late as 6/28, over two months after the gulf oil spill as the oil washed onto the shores of Louisiana and Mississippi. And that's not because Obama is stupid. It's because he has an agenda. Rahm Emanuel's comment from the Karl Marx playbook that, "You never want a crisis to go to waste," was appropriately made use of on that occasion - milk the crisis for all it's worth.

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