Saturday, February 26, 2011

Social Security

A note I sent to Sean Hannity when the subject matter being discussed was Social Security:

There is a solution to bringing about a healthily administered Social Security program. This is something that should be handled like an insurance program the same way we pay for auto insurance, homeowner’s, etc. Most of us pay into insurance programs that we hope we’ll never need.  I’ve driven accident free for 59 years.  I paid insurance all those years and don’t regret not having to avail myself of payment from the companies I dealt with.  Social Security could be handled the same way.  People should be made to understand that they’re paying into a program that they’ll only be able to collect on if they have the misfortune of being in a certain low enough income level to need it when they retire. That level could be determined periodically as the economy changes.  At the present time it surely doesn’t make sense that Social Security should be paid to people making a half-million dollars or more.  Bully for them for having the good fortune that through their industry and good fortune they find themselves in that income category.

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