Sunday, April 17, 2011

Don't Blame Bush

From the time I first heard Obama crying about what he inherited regarding the economy my response was to think and say to myself, "This was no inheritance. It's what you brought with you." The Democrats had dictatorial, unencumbered, veto-proof charge of the purse strings during the last two years of the Bush administration. This article written by Thomas Sowell in September 2010 expresses exactly what I've been saying to anyone who would listen:

I also appreciate Sowell pointing out that President Clinton had the benefit of a Republican Congress for the last six years he was in office. Let's give credit where credit is due for the surplus he likes to brag about.

A video on You-Tube is also something that should be dusted off from time to time to see and hear in the Democrats own words who was responsible for the crash in the housing market - click on the Barney Frank pictures:

I would also like to remind Bush-bashers that the Bush tax cuts brought about 54 months of economic growth that was only slowed when the OPEC countries declared economic war on us in 2008 when they gradually brought the price of their oil to the peak of $147 a barrel. We chose to be reliant on them for our oil needs instead of being self-reliant as we could have been.

Check out this video on You-tube by Professor Steve Horwitz on oil:

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