Thursday, August 18, 2011

Democrat's false charges

This is a letter I'm sending to Fox News reporters and others:

To:       Laura Ingraham

 From:  Jack West

             Fairfield, NJ

Dear Laura,

Whenever you’re interviewing a Democrat guest you know that somewhere in the course of his/her comments you’ll hear the false charge that President Obama “inherited” a down economy.  Please don’t let them get away with that.  What the Democrats got in January 2009 they brought with them.  As the result of the 2006 elections the Democrats took over unencumbered, vetoproof control of the purse strings when they were seated in January 2007.  This was with the help of a RINO Senator from Vermont.  The unemployment rate at that time was 4.6% and the economy was humming. In December 2007, eleven months after the Democrat Congress was seated the recession began according to the Internet.  In January 2009 the unemployment rate hit 7.6%.  Please let your Democrat guests know that when they make their false charges.

In regard to the housing debacle, there are videos on You-Tube showing Barney Frank, Maxine Waters, Chuck Schumer and others telling us that “There is no housing crisis” when President Bush was exhorting Congress to rein in Fannie May and Freddie Mac.  His first warnings came during the first year he was in office.

But the real crusher to our economy came with the economic war the OPEC countries waged on us in 2008.  We have none but the Democrats to thank for that.  Because of the strong pressures they put on us not to develop our own vast resources and depend on OPEC for our oil needs, we were left wide open to OPEC’s assault.  We have enough oil in the “lower 48,” Alaska and offshore to not only make us self-sufficient but to make us competitors on the world market.  We would not have a national debt if we went after the treasures we have in the ground right here and we’d have a bountiful amount of money to put toward developing renewable sources of energy.                       

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