Sunday, October 30, 2011

Global Warming RIP?

This is a key paragraph from an article by Victor Davis Hanson in the National Review Online entitled Global Warming – RIP?:

While the Obama administration was subsidizing failed or inefficient green industries, radical breakthroughs in domestic fossil-fuel exploration and recovery — especially horizontal drilling and fracking — have vastly increased the known American reserves of gas and oil. Modern efficient engines have meant that both can be consumed with little, if any, pollution — at a time when a struggling U.S. economy is paying nearly half-a-trillion dollars for imported fossil fuels. The public apparently would prefer developing more of our own gas, oil, shale, tar sands, and coal as an alternative to going broke by either importing more fuels from abroad or subsidizing more inefficient windmills and solar panels at home.
Entire article:

The current price of gasoline in Saudi Arabie is 91 cents per gallon.  In Kuwait it's 78 cents.  Just recently it was 23 and 16 cents.  As Casey Stengel always used to say, "Ya can look it up" - on the Internet.

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