Monday, August 20, 2012

Media Elitists Glorifying Liberals – Trashing Conservatives

When the media was praising Democrat nominee Adlai Stevenson as some kind of an intellectual phenom as he was preparing to run for the presidency against General Eisenhower in 1952 I didn’t know at the time that this was going to be the first of a long list of Democratic candidates that would be getting this kind of treatment for whatever office they were a candidate for.  Although being pretty well steeped in the belief at that time that I would be a lifelong supporter of the Democratic Party, one thing that puzzled me about Stevenson was that he wanted to unilaterally stop the testing of nuclear weapons.  We were in the throes of the “Cold War” with the USSR and the balance of terror seemed to weigh in favor of the Russians at that time.  Our government may not have thought so but the citizenry did.  Mixing things that I thought at that time and things I looked back on later, I wonder how much more difficult the Cuban Missile Crisis would have been for us six years later.  Ask anyone old enough that lived through that crisis and what they were thinking, and they would say that they were all considering where they would take shelter if atomic war would break out.  The churches were overflowing with people coming to say their prayers.  No one could be sure that the bombs wouldn’t soon be falling. 

I couldn’t possibly know at the time Stevenson appeared on the scene that he would be the first of a long list of Democratic candidates that the media elitists would be showering with the same praises he was being given.  I know now that all conservatives are stupid and all liberals are brilliant.  I know this because the media says so.  And once in awhile I get a glimpse of Chris Matthews and hear some of his brilliant statements when Fox News presents us with something he said.  It’s called comic relief. 

Bill Bradley got the same kind of billing as Stevenson when he ran for the Senate in New Jersey.  This may come as some sort of a shock for liberals but if SAT scores are any measure of a person’s intelligence or store of knowledge, George Walker Bush, who is portrayed as some sort of a bumbling idiot along with Ronald Reagan, Sarah Palin and others, scored 81 points higher than Bradley – 566 to 485.  He was also an avid reader of history.  Among other things, GW read 14 different biographies of Lincoln while in the White House.  Contrast this with Adlai Stevenson.  Michael Barone said that when Stevenson died, about the only book to be seen with his possessions was his social register.   

And now we have the pinnacle of all brilliant leaders.  There is no question that this man is smarter than God.  Aside from seeing the lofty heights his worshiping admirers have elevated him to, consider what he has done with matters of religion.  We are no longer a Christian nation.  We know that because President Obama said we’re not.  Three days after he took office on January 23, 2009 he rescinded the Mexico City Policy and opened the flood gates of monies being sent to foreign countries to pay for the demonic practice of providing abortions.  That's certainly not very Christian.  Seven hundred million dollars of borrowed money immediately began to flow.

In spite of all the glowing praises being showered on President Obama for how brilliant he is, I’m having problems being convinced.  I include myself in considering that Obama has a great gift of gab, a glowing, charismatic personality and is personally very likable.  He would be great in show business and I’m hoping that after January of 2013 he’ll be free to pursue that career that he was made for.  But he’s not the intellect people are giving him credit for.  Consider his numerous gaffes, especially when he’s not using his teleprompter and sometimes when he is:

At the end of 2010 he and Congress were at odds over how long the tax cuts should be extended that were about to expire.  Congress wanted them extended for a year so business people could plan their budgets and Obama wanted them extended for two months.  Obama was demagogging the issue and trying to make it appear that Congress didn’t want them extended at all.  He said, “That’s a thousand dollars a year.” Then came the crusher - “That amounts to $40.00 a week out of every wage earner’s paycheck.”  If he said it just once we could let it go.  We all have a Freudian slip every now and then.  But he said it again and in another venue some time later.  Obama must be so brilliant that he skipped grammar school arithmetic and went straight to Harvard.

I was a cryptographer in the Army Air Corps in WWII.  That’s pronounced core – c-o-r-e.  I was not in the Army Air Corpse.  President Obama was speaking at the National Day of Prayer breakfast several weeks ago and telling about a Navy corpsman that was assisting suffering people in Haiti.  As he talked, he twice read the word corpsman from his teleprompter and pronounced it corpseman.  Another lesson missed.

But the statement I found to be the most foolish was when he was speaking to a gathering of people and directing his comments at small businesspeople that through blood, sweat and tears grew the seeds of their companies into successful enterprises. He said, “You didn’t build that,” and then went on to talk about the infrastructure built by the government that they had to rely on.  When I heard that I couldn’t help think about what the “Horatio Algers” of the 19th century like Sam Walton, Oscar Myer and others would have thought of that remark.  They had to depend for the most part on unpaved roads for their horses and buggies and private, imaginative people that found ways of providing ferry service for them to get across rivers.  It was the grinding determination of these entrepreneurs and a lot of hard work that brought about their success and very little of anything else.  The infrastructure is there for the “couch potatoes” too.  They’d rather watch TV.

Monday, August 13, 2012


The above link leads to an interesting article in the 4/2/12 issue of The Washington Times about fracking and how the latest methods of horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing are being used in the United States to bring about more bountiful supplies of oil and natural gas.

This excerpt from the above article is an example of what is happening in many parts of the United States:

Meanwhile, though, fear campaigns are preventing some of Maryland’s poorest counties and families from enjoying the economic benefits of Marcellus Shale development. Baltimore’s Sage Policy Group calculated that fracking in Western Maryland could reduce energy costs, create thousands of jobs and generate millions of dollars annually in revenue for the state and Allegany and Garrett counties. 
People all across the country, Democrats and Republicans have a deep respect for the environment as we all should.  With that concern in mind we nevertheless have to do everything we can to safely draw from our treasures of oil and get away from being dependent on unfriendly nations in the Mideast.  And if we’re concerned about the environment on a worldwide level, it’s another reason why we should be the ones providing the oil.  The methods used in the Third World Countries are not the careful methods we use here.

With the concerns these same well-meaning people have about the environment they also put a lot of pressure on the Administration, whichever one is in power, not to energetically bring up the oil we have right here.  What they fail to consider is that it causes the government to be forever getting embroiled in conflicts in the Mideast countries that we place our reliance on to supply our oil needs.  We’ve got to find a happy medium to be as protective of the environment and as protective of our guys that are sacrificing life and limb to protect our interest in these countries.  They shouldn’t have to be there.  With the abundance of oil and natural gas we have right here we can be fully independent of any outside sources and be energy independent.  It’s also one industry that can’t be outsourced.   

Another important reason we should be independent of other countries is that we have to stop leaving ourselves vulnerable to profiteering by OPEC when it seems to suit their purposes.  They raked us over the coals pretty good in 2008 and kept driving the price of their oil up till it began to destroy their own market.  They did the same thing in the early seventies and there’s no reason to expect they won’t do it again.

We’re decades away from when renewable sources of energy will have been developed to a point where it’s affordable and with the prosperity domestic oil development could bring we’d have the currency we need for research and development in that field.   

Saturday, August 11, 2012

2006 Elections

The elections of 2006 were not about the economy.  People wearied of the Mideast war.  The atrocity of 9/11/01 was more and more becoming a distant memory.  The culprits responsible were routed from their perceived safe haven in Afghanistan and sent packing into Iraq.  The “Butcher of Baghdad” was smoked out of his rat hole and brought to justice and people had all the satisfaction they needed and wanted our men home.  I did too - for reasons that may not have been most often being voiced.  In my view there is nothing we’ll ever do for any Muslim country that will endear them to us.  And so, a new regime came into power.  But these weren’t John F. Kennedy Democrats that I had great admiration for.  No, many of them had more of a Marxist philosophy than being champions of the unique free market system that made this nation the greatest in the world. 

The press could shower all the deserving accolades they wanted on Kennedy and his family.  He genuinely wanted to inspire people to achieve greater things and self-sufficiency and build on this country’s greatness.  This was a true American family that was unapologetically proud of this country.   

Nancy Pelosi became Speaker of the House and gone was the theme, “Ask not what your country can do for you…..” but, “Come and live in a TV furnished cage on my plantation and I will take care of all your needs.  I’ll even keep you supplied with all the contraceptives you need so you can spend your leisure time living your life style to the full.   I’ll make sure those greedy capitalists and fools that are working for a living and paying taxes give you unlimited unemployment benefits.”  Unsaid, but thought would be, “I can only control you if you’re dependent on me.”  The idea was to build a dependency class of people that would support her and her cronies on Election Day and perpetuate them in power rather than give people a leg up to advance and learn to be independent and enjoy the blessings of liberty.  Now we have almost half the country on unemployment insurance and food stamps, with no encouragement to find jobs while we see companies with their help wanted signs out all over the place.  The number of people now living below the poverty line is the highest it has been in the past 50 years.  Thirty five percent of the populace is now living on public assistance.  In 1962 it was six percent.  When Governor Tommy Thompson of Wisconsin required the recipients of unemployment benefits do community service for those benefits and the ranks of the unemployed dwindled when some of them took the jobs that were available, the Feds stepped in and told everyone that they were going to let people have a waiver from the need to work for those unemployment benefits.  We all want to help those who are making use of the benefits responsibly and those who are genuinely trapped in a state of poverty but we shouldn’t want to be electing politicians that are encouraging people to remain in a state of dependency so they can control them.       

As I motored to the beautiful city of Newport, Rhode Island with family members while on vacation in Cape Cod a few days ago, we passed a pickup truck brandishing this bumper sticker:  “Work harder – millions on welfare depend on you.”  I thought it was very timely considering that I was working on this Face Book post at the time. 

If the 8/10/10 issue of the Wall Street Journal is available in the WSJ archives there’s an article in that issue that states there are five million jobs going begging to be filled.  They’re positions that require special skills that employers are willing to train people for and are willing to pay them while they’re in training.  These are obviously not minimum pay jobs.  It stated that if these positions could be filled the unemployment rate would be reduced to 6.5%.  Timely as it was, the paper I rarely read was left on my table in a coffee shop in Frankfort Airport while I was waiting for my flight back to Newark.   Considering that the unemployment rate is still 8.2 percent, those job offers are probably still there for the taking.

In January of 2007 a vetoproof Democrat Congress was seated with the help of a RINO Senator from Maine.  They had unencumbered, interference proof control of the purse strings.  This is the true time that the Democrats came into their “inheritance” and it was a good one.  The unemployment rate was 4.6%.  Fifty four months of economic growth would soon be coming to an end.  Borrowing, spending and printing money would now be going on steroids and the national debt would skyrocket.  From January of 2008 till January of 2009, when President Obama took office, the unemployment rate jumped from 5.0% to 7.8%.  That was mainly because of the economic war OPEC declared on us in 2008 when they took advantage of our need to place our reliance on them for our oil needs rather than use our own vast resources and gradually raised the price of their oil to $147.00 a barrel.  They only backed off when they realized they were destroying their own market.  The price of gasoline and the cost of energy for every industry skyrocketed, putting a strain on every family budget and every industry, especially shipping and transportation.  People were finding it more and more difficult to pay their bills and make their mortgage payments.

Once again I say the 2006 elections were not about the economy but that we wanted our men home.  For every Muslim that may have been grateful for us being there there were numerous others that were deadly enemies, including military mingling with our troops that were supposed to be our allies.