Monday, August 20, 2012

Media Elitists Glorifying Liberals – Trashing Conservatives

When the media was praising Democrat nominee Adlai Stevenson as some kind of an intellectual phenom as he was preparing to run for the presidency against General Eisenhower in 1952 I didn’t know at the time that this was going to be the first of a long list of Democratic candidates that would be getting this kind of treatment for whatever office they were a candidate for.  Although being pretty well steeped in the belief at that time that I would be a lifelong supporter of the Democratic Party, one thing that puzzled me about Stevenson was that he wanted to unilaterally stop the testing of nuclear weapons.  We were in the throes of the “Cold War” with the USSR and the balance of terror seemed to weigh in favor of the Russians at that time.  Our government may not have thought so but the citizenry did.  Mixing things that I thought at that time and things I looked back on later, I wonder how much more difficult the Cuban Missile Crisis would have been for us six years later.  Ask anyone old enough that lived through that crisis and what they were thinking, and they would say that they were all considering where they would take shelter if atomic war would break out.  The churches were overflowing with people coming to say their prayers.  No one could be sure that the bombs wouldn’t soon be falling. 

I couldn’t possibly know at the time Stevenson appeared on the scene that he would be the first of a long list of Democratic candidates that the media elitists would be showering with the same praises he was being given.  I know now that all conservatives are stupid and all liberals are brilliant.  I know this because the media says so.  And once in awhile I get a glimpse of Chris Matthews and hear some of his brilliant statements when Fox News presents us with something he said.  It’s called comic relief. 

Bill Bradley got the same kind of billing as Stevenson when he ran for the Senate in New Jersey.  This may come as some sort of a shock for liberals but if SAT scores are any measure of a person’s intelligence or store of knowledge, George Walker Bush, who is portrayed as some sort of a bumbling idiot along with Ronald Reagan, Sarah Palin and others, scored 81 points higher than Bradley – 566 to 485.  He was also an avid reader of history.  Among other things, GW read 14 different biographies of Lincoln while in the White House.  Contrast this with Adlai Stevenson.  Michael Barone said that when Stevenson died, about the only book to be seen with his possessions was his social register.   

And now we have the pinnacle of all brilliant leaders.  There is no question that this man is smarter than God.  Aside from seeing the lofty heights his worshiping admirers have elevated him to, consider what he has done with matters of religion.  We are no longer a Christian nation.  We know that because President Obama said we’re not.  Three days after he took office on January 23, 2009 he rescinded the Mexico City Policy and opened the flood gates of monies being sent to foreign countries to pay for the demonic practice of providing abortions.  That's certainly not very Christian.  Seven hundred million dollars of borrowed money immediately began to flow.

In spite of all the glowing praises being showered on President Obama for how brilliant he is, I’m having problems being convinced.  I include myself in considering that Obama has a great gift of gab, a glowing, charismatic personality and is personally very likable.  He would be great in show business and I’m hoping that after January of 2013 he’ll be free to pursue that career that he was made for.  But he’s not the intellect people are giving him credit for.  Consider his numerous gaffes, especially when he’s not using his teleprompter and sometimes when he is:

At the end of 2010 he and Congress were at odds over how long the tax cuts should be extended that were about to expire.  Congress wanted them extended for a year so business people could plan their budgets and Obama wanted them extended for two months.  Obama was demagogging the issue and trying to make it appear that Congress didn’t want them extended at all.  He said, “That’s a thousand dollars a year.” Then came the crusher - “That amounts to $40.00 a week out of every wage earner’s paycheck.”  If he said it just once we could let it go.  We all have a Freudian slip every now and then.  But he said it again and in another venue some time later.  Obama must be so brilliant that he skipped grammar school arithmetic and went straight to Harvard.

I was a cryptographer in the Army Air Corps in WWII.  That’s pronounced core – c-o-r-e.  I was not in the Army Air Corpse.  President Obama was speaking at the National Day of Prayer breakfast several weeks ago and telling about a Navy corpsman that was assisting suffering people in Haiti.  As he talked, he twice read the word corpsman from his teleprompter and pronounced it corpseman.  Another lesson missed.

But the statement I found to be the most foolish was when he was speaking to a gathering of people and directing his comments at small businesspeople that through blood, sweat and tears grew the seeds of their companies into successful enterprises. He said, “You didn’t build that,” and then went on to talk about the infrastructure built by the government that they had to rely on.  When I heard that I couldn’t help think about what the “Horatio Algers” of the 19th century like Sam Walton, Oscar Myer and others would have thought of that remark.  They had to depend for the most part on unpaved roads for their horses and buggies and private, imaginative people that found ways of providing ferry service for them to get across rivers.  It was the grinding determination of these entrepreneurs and a lot of hard work that brought about their success and very little of anything else.  The infrastructure is there for the “couch potatoes” too.  They’d rather watch TV.

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