Saturday, November 17, 2012

Post Election Commentary

Post Election Commentary

Lanny Davis, who is a stalwart liberal but is not as radical as some, posited an interesting thought a day or so after the election results were in.  He said that Obama is no longer in need of pandering to his base and may move further to the middle in his second term.  It would be nice if it would be so but I’m not confident that will be.  I’m reading Dreams From My Father.  With so much that is happening, I can’t get around to reading the second half of the book.  I’ll write a post for Facebook about it when I’m done.  If Davis reads that book he might begin to believe that Obama has greater ambitions than just wanting to be president. 

There are five chapters about Chicago.  I’m through them and am now in the chapter on Kenya.     At the very beginning of the first Chicago chapter you see that he has dreams of radically changing the political landscape.  He has dreams of lighting a fire under a very lethargic black community in Chicago and trying to get them to rise up against the town fathers to bring about better living conditions for the people in the ghettos.  As you read on through the Chicago chapters you see that the Columbia student is so driven to go into community organizing that he actually resigns from a good paying job to pursue that interest.  He also turned down a “generous offer” from another company.  The charismatic young college student is very much in demand among business people that know him.  He s actually flat broke about six months after he turns his back on the offers that could give him a comfortable life-style but he’s so driven to turn the world inside out that he’s willing to suffer the deprivation.  Women friends that are with him in the organization he’s trying to put together ask him questions like, “What are you doing here when you could be basking in the sun on the beaches of Hawaii?”  According to this book that he’s the author of,  Obama did not have an impoverished life-style as he was being brought up by his mother and very doting maternal grandparents; mostly in Hawaii and a few years in Indonesia.  His mother had a good paying government job.  There’s much to report.  I’ll save it for when I get done with the book.  He has ambitions that are not good and he shows a bitterness of being a black man living in a white man’s world.  He shows this preoccupation throughout the approximate 250 pages I have so far read through.  Anyone reading Dreams From My Father should expect the autobiography to be an almost total preoccupation with race.  The very title cover of the book is sub –titled A Story of Race and Inheritance.  There’s a lot going on behind that happy outgoing demeanor.  One of the things he mentions is what he has learned from hearing about “Rules for Radicals.”  He says words to the effect that you do not win friends and influence people exuding an angry countenance.  He says whites are attracted to blacks that are smiling and happy.  In chapter eleven he talks of a conversation he’s having with his half-sister, Auma, who has come from Kenya to visit him and stay with him for a few days.  He talks of a white girl friend he had that he was very fond of but was getting more and more apprehensive about getting too serious with.  He says, “I realized that our two world’s, my friend’s and mine, were as distant from each other as Kenya is from Germany.  (Auma had a boyfriend in Germany that could lead to marriage but she was not keen on living in Germany) And I knew that if we stayed together I’d eventually live in her’s.  After all, I’d been doing it all my life.  Between the two of us, I was the one who knew how to live as an outsider.”    

In the very beginning of Chapter seven the twenty-two year old Barack Obama talks of deciding to become a community organizer:  “I didn’t know anyone making a living that way.  When classmates in college asked me just what it was that a community organizer did, I couldn’t answer them directly.  Instead I just pronounced on the need for change.  Change in the White House, where Reagan and his minions were carrying on their dirty deeds.  Change in the Congress, compliant and corrupt.  Change in the mood of the country, manic and self-absorbed.  Change won’t come from the top, I would say.  Change will come from a mobilized grass roots.  That’s what I’ll do, I’ll organize black folks.  At the grass roots.  For change.”        

I was adding my prayers to the novenas Catholic Bishops were guiding their congregations through nationwide that we’d get a pro-life administration and one that would foster religious freedom but I was never losing sight that it might be God’s will to bring about a chastisement on this country for the way so many of the masses are sinking lower and lower into the depths of a depraved culture.  Nothing happens that God doesn’t want to let happen.

“But my people would not listen to me;
Israel would not submit to me.
So I gave them over to their stubborn hearts
to follow their own devices.” Psalm 81:11-12    

Saturday, November 3, 2012



The administration chose to gamble with the lives of our Libyan ambassador and other Foreign Service personnel there to promote the false illusion for the world-view and especially for the electorate of the United States that they had the area pacified and had Al Qaeda on the run rather than making sure the necessary security was in place to keep them safe.  This would be the narrative that would help propel the present administration to victory in the 2012 elections.  The gamble failed and Ambassador Chris Stevens and Navy Seals Sean Smith, Glen Doherty and Tyrone woods are now dead.  I wonder if they would have taken the gamble with their own lives in the very dangerous circumstances these men were living through that the American public is only learning about now.      

Ambassador Stevens sent his last urgent message to the State Department at 6:00 PM, the day of the attack, just before visiting with the Turkish Consul General at 7:30 PM.  Their meeting lasted about an hour.  The Ambassador then retired to his quarters for the evening.  At 9:40 PM shouts and gunfire were heard coming from down the street and coming closer.

If the average citizen knew what the Administration knew about what conditions were like in Libya it’s hard to believe any of them wouldn’t
urge the Administration to get our people out of there.

This is what we know now that the State and Defense Departments and the Executive Branch surely had to know about what conditions were like in Libya.  The main source of the information that’s being distributed to the public comes from investigative reporters like Catherine Herridge and Bret Baier and others with Fox News.  Don’t expect to learn anything from the dysfunctional mainstream media.  The lead story on the front page of the New York Times the day after the news broke about the slayings of the Ambassador and Navy Seals was that Derek Jeter needed surgery on an injured ankle:

On 6/1/11 A car bomb explodes in the parking lot of the Tibesky Hotel where Chris Stevens and support personnel were sent a short time before.  In August 2011 they decide it’s too dangerous to stay there and they settle on a compound in a Western part of the city.

On 10/20/11 Khadafi is killed and Stevens is installed as Ambassador to Libya.  He will spend most of his time at the main embassy building in Tripoli.

On 2/12/12 Lieutenant Colonel Andrew Wood came with a Security Support Team of 16 special operations soldiers.  Stevens wanted this SST group to stay on past the August scheduled time for them to leave, in view of the mounting hostile atmosphere of the region.  They were pulled out on schedule.   

Another team called the Mobile Security Detachment made up of
ex Green Berets and ex Navy Seals was also there.  They were also pulled out.    
All told, there had been over 230 security incidents in Libya in the past year targeted at Westerners.  Ambassador Stevens is growing more and more worried and says so in a series of cables sent to Washington entitled Libya’s Deteriorating Security Situation.

On 4/6/12 a bomb is tossed over the wall of the Benghazi compound and
on 6/6/12 an IUD is placed on the compound’s north gate.  No one is hurt in either incident. 

On 8/8/12 just three days after the State Department pulled the security forces out of Libya, Ambassador Stevens sends another cable to Washington telling about a “series of violent incidents that has dominated the political landscape.”  He says, “What we have seen are not random crimes of opportunity, but rather targeted and discriminate attacks.”  Less than a week later Lieutenant Colonel Woods and his team would leave the country.     

9/11/12  About 6:00 PM Ambassador Stevens sends another cable to the State Department reporting “growing frustration with police and security forces who are too weak to keep the country secure.”  A few hours later he would be murdered. 

One hour after the attack began an unarmed drone circled over the grounds taking pictures and relaying them back to the situation room at the White House.  It hasn’t been stated yet where President Obama was but we know that Defense Secretary Leon Panetta must have been there because he was seen in Washington at five o’clock.  President Obama was to be going to Las Vegas the next day for a scheduled fund raising event and might have been preparing for his trip. 

The drone was getting low on gas and a second one came into play.  These drones have such sophisticated photo equipment that pictures they were storing identified the terrorist that was captured in Turkey days after the attack who was sent to Tunisia.  The drones had laser beams directed at two mortar positions waiting for aircraft from Italy, just one hour flying time away,  that could take them out.  No executive order to do so was ever issued.  It was first understood that Navy Seals Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty were killed by mortar fire at four in the morning.  That has since been updated.  Catherine Herridge reported on 11/2 that the CIA listed their time of death as being 5:26 in the morning.   Sean Smith was killed earlier.  Any action at all could have saved Woods and Doherty.  There was complete inaction on the part of the State and Defense Departments and the Executive.       



Unemployment and "Inheritance"

Unemployment and “Inheritance”

Lou Dobbs on the Megyn Kelly show Friday 11/2/12:  The unemployment rate for black women when President Obama took office was 9.2%.  It is now 12.4%.

I can’t believe that there aren’t many women who find it insulting that the President thinks they are more interested in getting tax-payer funded contraceptives being doled out to them and the right to kill the baby they’re carrying in their wombs than being more interested in finding good paying jobs.

When the President is telling us that we should avoid what “got us into this mess in the first place” he should look inward.  Of course, he’s not going to do that.  It’s not a pretty sight and he’s going to discover that he got it from his own people. 

When the Democrats took over unencumbered, vetoproof control of Congress in January 2007 the unemployment rate was 4.6%.  54 months of steady economic growth would soon be coming to an end.  Things began to go south from that time on.  Spending went into high gear.  They handed their president an unemployment rate of 7.8% when he took office in January 2009.  Besides reckless spending, the other shoe to fall was in 2008 when OPEC took advantage of us not being energy independent the way we should have been.  The price-gouging that reached a peak of $147 a barrel was disastrous for the family budget and every industry.  Most directly affected were the transportation and shipping industries.  Does it really make sense that we should be putting our economic fate in the hands of hostile Middle East powers, relying on them for our oil needs, when we can be self-reliant with what we have right here?

No, Mr. President you did not get your disastrous inheritance from President Bush.  You got it from Master and Mistress Puppeteers Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi and their marionettes they controlled in Congress..

And another thing that may come as a shock to my liberal friends is what they’ll see about the housing crisis when they click on this link: