Saturday, November 3, 2012

Unemployment and "Inheritance"

Unemployment and “Inheritance”

Lou Dobbs on the Megyn Kelly show Friday 11/2/12:  The unemployment rate for black women when President Obama took office was 9.2%.  It is now 12.4%.

I can’t believe that there aren’t many women who find it insulting that the President thinks they are more interested in getting tax-payer funded contraceptives being doled out to them and the right to kill the baby they’re carrying in their wombs than being more interested in finding good paying jobs.

When the President is telling us that we should avoid what “got us into this mess in the first place” he should look inward.  Of course, he’s not going to do that.  It’s not a pretty sight and he’s going to discover that he got it from his own people. 

When the Democrats took over unencumbered, vetoproof control of Congress in January 2007 the unemployment rate was 4.6%.  54 months of steady economic growth would soon be coming to an end.  Things began to go south from that time on.  Spending went into high gear.  They handed their president an unemployment rate of 7.8% when he took office in January 2009.  Besides reckless spending, the other shoe to fall was in 2008 when OPEC took advantage of us not being energy independent the way we should have been.  The price-gouging that reached a peak of $147 a barrel was disastrous for the family budget and every industry.  Most directly affected were the transportation and shipping industries.  Does it really make sense that we should be putting our economic fate in the hands of hostile Middle East powers, relying on them for our oil needs, when we can be self-reliant with what we have right here?

No, Mr. President you did not get your disastrous inheritance from President Bush.  You got it from Master and Mistress Puppeteers Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi and their marionettes they controlled in Congress..

And another thing that may come as a shock to my liberal friends is what they’ll see about the housing crisis when they click on this link:

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