This is a copy of the letter
I sent to the Fox News program The Five following
their special 11:00 PM program on 9/10.
They were mentioning once again that the terrorists that carried out the
attack on our embassy in Benghazi on 9/11/12 were still not brought to justice. I believe that whatever independent media we
have, and not shills for the administration, should put the stress on making
Secretary Clinton and President Obama explain why they put Ambassador Stevens,
Foreign Service Officer Sean Smith and Navy Seals Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods
in such a precarious position and refused to send help when Stevens called
Secretary Clinton the night of the attack to plead for assistance.
To: The
The real disgrace of what
happened in Benghazi was not that the terrorists that carried out the attack
were not apprehended. It was that the one who was most responsible for
putting Ambassador Stevens and his aides in such an untenable position was not
called to account. When someone is thrown into a shark infested sea and
left to fend for himself we don’t look for the sharks that killed him. We
go after whoever it was that put him there.
We know, of course, that
Secretary Clinton will not be called to account by this administration for the
travesty that occurred in Benghazi because it would shed light that her boss
was complicit in what happened. The one thing I would like to see is that
whatever media are not in the camp of the Democrats harp more on keeping the
fire lit under Secretary Clinton and her boss for what happened.
More than all the chatter that the terrorists have not been taken into
custody, I would like to see the heat kept on (or even started) the “What difference
does it Make?” Madam Secretary.
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