Hillary Clinton
There’s a lot of hype in the
news these days about Hillary Clinton being the front-runner to be the
standard-bearer and likely Democrat nominee for the presidency in 2016. Polls are showing her to have a 63% or more
higher support in the polls that have been taken. The bulk of that support could not possibly
be coming from people old enough to have lived through and been aware of the politics
of the early 1990s. We already had a
sampling of what Hillary was all about when she thought she was the
co-president during the first two years of her husband Bill’s time in office in
1993 and ’94. The younger voters of our
present time would do well to find out what Hillary revealed herself to be at
that time and why she was primarily responsible for the Democrats loss of both
houses of congress to the Republicans in 1994 – for the first time in four
Hillary was not as cunning as
President Obama when she was pushing for the passage of government-run
healthcare during those first two years of President Clinton’s term in
office. Things were being revealed about
the universal health insurance she and her cohorts were planning that are yet
to be discovered about President Obama’s plan – and they’re both the same. People would be losing the their doctors they
had for many years that they had confidence in.
The country would be mapped out in districts and doctors would be
assigned to each of the districts and
would not be allowed to cross from one district to the other. It would be unlawful for doctors to offer
their services on a pay-as-you-go cash only basis. This is something yet to be discovered about
the Obamacare plan. No one will really
know what Obamacare is all about until it is fully implemented. Hopefully, it never will be.
Other matters were coming to
the fore about Hillary Clinton’s radical socialistic leanings. Mailings were being sent out from different
watch-dog organizations telling about how Hillary Clinton was pushing for the
ratification by the Senate of the The
Law of the Sea Treaty. If this
treaty gets ratified by the Senate, that Hillary had been pushing and will be
pushing big time if she becomes president, it will give a major part of the
control of the country over to the United Nations. It could all about render the Bill of Rights
under our Constitution null and void. A
lot more will likely be said about this during the heat of the electioneering
campaigns of 2016.
Pragmatist, Bill Clinton, got
the message with the ’94 election results, took charge of his duties as
President and steered the ship-of-state away from the course his wife was
urging him to follow. He became enamored
of Newt Gingrich’s Contract with America plan and began to follow
it. Welfare programs were beginning to
be revised creating incentives for people to find work and unemployment figures
were improving. He liked Newt’s plan so much
that he had the Democratic Party adopting it to be their platform for the
electioneering campaigns in 1996. I sat
in the living room watching the Democratic Convention on TV the night the
Democrats were explaining what their platform was to be all about and I
couldn’t help getting a hearty laugh as I was thinking, “This is the Contract
With America Plan. What will the
Republicans do now, say, “Me too?” I
liked what Clinton was doing enough that I could have voted for him in ’96 if
he had been pro-life. We heard very
little from Hillary after the 94 elections.
Now, 22 years later, a new generation of voters is swelling the polls in
Hillary Clinton’s favor know nothing more about her than that she’ll be the
first woman elected President of the United States and they’ll be witness to
it. If they succeed in electing her I’m
afraid they’ll discover they elected the first “Dragon Lady” of the United
Hillary Clinton is presently
basking in the sun of what people think are objective news reporting outlets
known as the mainstream media. Fox News
is not one of them. The former get most
of the attention. When news analysts on
Fox interview guests on their programs they have someone from each side of the
aisle of political persuasion and the news truly is “Fair and Balanced.” If people want to know what Hillary Clinton
is all about they won’t get it from the mainstream media. If there was ever a time when the free (?) press ever kept an
eye on the Government to keep it honest and be the guardian of the benefits
bestowed on us by the Bill of Rights in our Constitution there has surely not
been much to show of it in recent times.
They act more like the Propaganda Ministry of this Socialist
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