Thursday, September 9, 2010

Economy no inheritance

This is a note I sent to Megyn Kelly:

Here he goes again. I scoffed at the idea that Obama inherited this economy the first time he made the claim and I never stopped being irritated with his charge with every speech he ever makes. And he said it again today.

This was no inheritance. Election day of 2006 gave the Democrats a filibuster proof "House" and with the help of a RINO from Vermont, full control of the Senate.

Doesn't anyone ever think about the effect the economic war the oil producing countries waged on us throughout 2008 when they gradually raised the price of their oil to the peak of $147.00 a barrel? Nothing ever had a greater impact on the economy than that - not only here but worldwide. Their target may have been the U. S. but it hurt everyone else as well.  And, aside from Glenn Beck who did make some cursory mention of it on at least two occasions, I'm not aware of any of the political commentators mentioning it. The fault for us not being energy independent has to be laid right at the door of the Democrats.

The Bush tax cuts of 2001 and 2003 gave us 46 months of economic growth and an unemployment rate for most his term five percent or lower. As late as November of 2008 after the dampener the cost of energy products put on households and industry the unemployment rate was 6.5%.

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