Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Obama remakes America in his image

This is a good article to see what the gimmeites have done for us.  Wait till they see that all the “gifts” Obama, Pelosi and Reid are giving them are not free.  Inflation alone will have them paying dearly.  They’ll only have to check their grocery bills from time to time and compare the prices to what they’re paying now.  And the people that will be hurt the most will be the people that can least afford it.  We can’t keep printing and borrowing money to pay for unnecessary entitlements that will cause the dollar to have less and less buying power and drive it to the point where it will be worthless.    


Friday, December 14, 2012

End times for the Republic?

U.S. Department of Justice
W E B S I T E C H A N G E .?
I M P O R T A N T!
Little by little the subtle changes come until one day we will wake up and be the United Socialist States of America. 2012 is just around the corner so get and stay engaged as if our nation depended on it because it does!!!!!

U.S. Department of Justice
ditches red, white, and blue stars and stripes.

Well, how interesting! It seems the U.S. Department of Justice has changed its web site.
Gone are the colorful red, white, and blue U.S. Flag decorations on the page,

Error! Filename not specified.

Replaced by stark black and white.

Error! Filename not specified.

And at the top of the page, is a rather interesting quote:
"The common law is the will of mankind, issuing from the life of the people."

Catchy, huh? Just one tiny little (too small to be relevant obviously) point --the quote is from C. Wilfred Jenks, who in the 1930's was a leading proponent of the "international law" movement, which had as its goal to impose a global common law and which backed 'global workers' rights.'

Call it Marxism, call it Progressivism, call it Socialism -- under any of those names, it definitely makes the DOJ look corrupt in their new website with Marxist accessories to match.

See for yourself:

How very interesting that 'they' couldn't find a nice quote from one of our Founders. People, we have lost our Republic. This is an example of the slow, methodical misuse of power our current government is doing as they lead us to socialism, and destroying our republic as we have known it.
Error! Filename not specified.
Get ready for 2012
Bring back the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA------
Please-----pass this on to

Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak.
Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.
Winston Churchill

Winners and losers 2012

Winners and Losers 2012:
Winners:                                                             Losers:
Barack Obama                                                   Mitt Romney
Socialism                                                              Capitalism
Progressives                                                      Conservatives
takers                                                                   givers
welfare and food stamp recipients          wage earners and tax payers
Obamacare                                                         The entire U.S. economy
People outside the mainstream                                what was formerly known as “the mainstream”
Ethnic minorities                                              the color-blind
Secularists                                                           Believers
Big Government                                               Limited Government
California, etal                                                   Oklahoma, etal
The Northeast                                                   The South
Peace doves                                                      the military, and America’s national security
Environmentalists                                            Business
The Arab world                                                 Israel
Chinese enterprise                                         American enterprise
Rachel Maddow                                               Bill O’Reilly
Michael Moore                                                 Dinesh D’Souza
Madonna                                                            Clint Eastwood
MSNBC                                                                 Fox News
Chris Matthews                                                                Sean Hannity
The liberal media                                             Rush
Abortion rights activists                                 the unborn
Sandra Fluke                                                      the virtue of abstinence until marriage
Academia /College professors                   people who live in the real world
Pot smokers                                                       traditional family values
Gay marriage                                                     traditional family values
“green” energy                                                 coal, and the Keystone pipeline
Foreign oil                                                           American oil
Electric cars                                                         people who still use gas
[JW1] [JW2] [JW3] Governm[JW4] ent dependency                        self-reliance
Harry Reid                                                           John Boehner
Tax-payer supported programs                 Charities
Urbanites                                                            Suburbanites
Bertrand Russell                                               Jesus
Mohammad                                                       St Paul
Russia                                                                   America
Gloria Steinem                                                  Sarah Palin
Rev. Jeremiah Wright                                     Rev. Pat Robertson
Jerry Garcia                                                        Jerry Falwell  (the other famous Jerry)
adolescents                                                        adults
Hollywood                                                          the Heartland
Criminals and convicts                                    law enforcement, and public safety
The Washington Post                                     The Washington Times
college students                                               tax payers
illegal aliens applying to College                 out-of-state students applying to the same college
personal injury attorneys                             ALL the rest of us
Big Bird / Sesame Street                                               Bob Tomato / Veggie Tales         
George McGovern                                          Ronald Reagan
Abby Hoffman, & the counter-culture    Wally & Beaver
smug Bill Mahre                                                hokey Mike Huckabee
Eric Holder                                                          Darrell Issa
a FREE world                                                      the free world
The Ivy League                                                  the Little League
San Francisco                                                     Peoria
Planned Parenthood                                      their “clients”
free condoms                                                    the Catholic Church
Muslims                                                               Christians
Political correctness                                        freedom of thought
The ACLU                                                            Religious freedom
Liberation Theology                                        Orthodoxy
Big Labor                                                              Big Business
Squatters                                                            Homeowners
The poor now                                                    the poor later
The Brave New World                                    life as we knew it



Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Gimme Generation

The Gimme Generation

Wait till the gimme people discover that President Obama is using their credit cards for all the goodies he’s promising them.  That’s when their cheers will turn to jeers.  Inflation alone, sans taxes, will be the price they’ll pay for the alleged gifts.  The woman in Cleveland that was singing the praises of President Obama just before Election Day for giving her a free cell phone would do well to check her grocery bill from time to time over the next four years to see how it compares to what she pays for groceries today.  It has doubled over the past four years and will probably do the same over the next four.  The poorest people will be hurt the most when that happens.  The government cannot keep printing and borrowing money without making our currency almost worthless and not bring on the most devastating kind of inflation.  This is all about gaining power – not compassion for the poor.  Liberals are like fish grabbing at bait, completely unaware that there’s a hook that goes with it. 

We have the means in this country to be living completely independent of any need to be dependent on government handouts for every conceivable need.  Programs administered by the government such as Medicare, Social Security and student financial assistance make sense. But if we get to the point where the bill is sent to the government for everything people buy, the government will be wanting their paychecks too. 

The key to bringing about a healthy economy is energy independence. 
This entire country could be living the lifestyle of the people in North Dakota where the unemployment rate is just a little over 3% because they’re using the wealth of resources they have in oil and natural gas.  The only people not working there are those who are physically incapable and those who do not want to work.  

This country is awash in the natural resources that could provide our needs to make us energy independent.  We just need an administration that sincerely wants to cure the nation’s paralysis, sees where the solution lies and begins to ambitiously make use of it.  We could be paying down our national debt and be free from any need to be relying on hostile countries in the Middle East and elsewhere to be supplementing our oil needs.  Full employment that the energy industry could engender would mean bountiful revenue coming into the treasury that could provide all we need for research and development of renewable sources of energy.  There’s no better way of getting revenue flowing into the treasury than getting people working.  Working people pay income tax and money flows in.  It flows out when people are unemployed.  This is the better way of swelling the nation’s coffers.  It surely beats choking the economy to death with burdensome taxes.

In October of 1973, as punishment for us befriending Israel, OPEC decided to cut oil exports to the United States.  Gasoline prices soared; hour long lines and more were seen at gas stations and rationing was needed.  In 2008 OPEC again put the squeeze on us when they gradually raised the price of their oil to $147.00 a barrel causing a nationwide average of the cost of gasoline to be almost five dollars a gallon and it was a prime mover in causing economic havoc.  We have all we need right here not to have to have any dependence whatsoever on them.  They’d be charging beggars’ prices for their oil if they discovered we didn’t need them. 

But demagogues looking for power don’t want a healthy economy.  Bringing about fiscal chaos with populist tactics has been their way of taking over every republic in history according to the Scottish Historian Alexander Tyler.  It took an average of 200 years according to Tyler.  He reported the results of his studies about the same time Benjamin Franklin said, “We’ve given you a republic.  Now it’s up to you to hold onto it.”  He said that in 1787 when the final draft of the Constitution was approved. 

A favorite line used by Communists and is their credo is, “Never let a crisis go to waste.”  It seems to me I heard someone repeat that line only recently.

A popular label for the generation that lived through World War II was “The greatest generation.”  We’re currently living in the midst of what might be called the “Gimme Generation.”  In WWII we fought to keep our liberty and independence.  Now we live among a vast number of people that choose dependency on a nanny state and all the control that goes with it.  We have the means to be completely independent of it.  We’re like a family on welfare that has a treasure buried in the back yard that we don’t want to make use of because we’re afraid it will ruin the flower bed.    

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Post Election Commentary

Post Election Commentary

Lanny Davis, who is a stalwart liberal but is not as radical as some, posited an interesting thought a day or so after the election results were in.  He said that Obama is no longer in need of pandering to his base and may move further to the middle in his second term.  It would be nice if it would be so but I’m not confident that will be.  I’m reading Dreams From My Father.  With so much that is happening, I can’t get around to reading the second half of the book.  I’ll write a post for Facebook about it when I’m done.  If Davis reads that book he might begin to believe that Obama has greater ambitions than just wanting to be president. 

There are five chapters about Chicago.  I’m through them and am now in the chapter on Kenya.     At the very beginning of the first Chicago chapter you see that he has dreams of radically changing the political landscape.  He has dreams of lighting a fire under a very lethargic black community in Chicago and trying to get them to rise up against the town fathers to bring about better living conditions for the people in the ghettos.  As you read on through the Chicago chapters you see that the Columbia student is so driven to go into community organizing that he actually resigns from a good paying job to pursue that interest.  He also turned down a “generous offer” from another company.  The charismatic young college student is very much in demand among business people that know him.  He s actually flat broke about six months after he turns his back on the offers that could give him a comfortable life-style but he’s so driven to turn the world inside out that he’s willing to suffer the deprivation.  Women friends that are with him in the organization he’s trying to put together ask him questions like, “What are you doing here when you could be basking in the sun on the beaches of Hawaii?”  According to this book that he’s the author of,  Obama did not have an impoverished life-style as he was being brought up by his mother and very doting maternal grandparents; mostly in Hawaii and a few years in Indonesia.  His mother had a good paying government job.  There’s much to report.  I’ll save it for when I get done with the book.  He has ambitions that are not good and he shows a bitterness of being a black man living in a white man’s world.  He shows this preoccupation throughout the approximate 250 pages I have so far read through.  Anyone reading Dreams From My Father should expect the autobiography to be an almost total preoccupation with race.  The very title cover of the book is sub –titled A Story of Race and Inheritance.  There’s a lot going on behind that happy outgoing demeanor.  One of the things he mentions is what he has learned from hearing about “Rules for Radicals.”  He says words to the effect that you do not win friends and influence people exuding an angry countenance.  He says whites are attracted to blacks that are smiling and happy.  In chapter eleven he talks of a conversation he’s having with his half-sister, Auma, who has come from Kenya to visit him and stay with him for a few days.  He talks of a white girl friend he had that he was very fond of but was getting more and more apprehensive about getting too serious with.  He says, “I realized that our two world’s, my friend’s and mine, were as distant from each other as Kenya is from Germany.  (Auma had a boyfriend in Germany that could lead to marriage but she was not keen on living in Germany) And I knew that if we stayed together I’d eventually live in her’s.  After all, I’d been doing it all my life.  Between the two of us, I was the one who knew how to live as an outsider.”    

In the very beginning of Chapter seven the twenty-two year old Barack Obama talks of deciding to become a community organizer:  “I didn’t know anyone making a living that way.  When classmates in college asked me just what it was that a community organizer did, I couldn’t answer them directly.  Instead I just pronounced on the need for change.  Change in the White House, where Reagan and his minions were carrying on their dirty deeds.  Change in the Congress, compliant and corrupt.  Change in the mood of the country, manic and self-absorbed.  Change won’t come from the top, I would say.  Change will come from a mobilized grass roots.  That’s what I’ll do, I’ll organize black folks.  At the grass roots.  For change.”        

I was adding my prayers to the novenas Catholic Bishops were guiding their congregations through nationwide that we’d get a pro-life administration and one that would foster religious freedom but I was never losing sight that it might be God’s will to bring about a chastisement on this country for the way so many of the masses are sinking lower and lower into the depths of a depraved culture.  Nothing happens that God doesn’t want to let happen.

“But my people would not listen to me;
Israel would not submit to me.
So I gave them over to their stubborn hearts
to follow their own devices.” Psalm 81:11-12