Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Gimme Generation

The Gimme Generation

Wait till the gimme people discover that President Obama is using their credit cards for all the goodies he’s promising them.  That’s when their cheers will turn to jeers.  Inflation alone, sans taxes, will be the price they’ll pay for the alleged gifts.  The woman in Cleveland that was singing the praises of President Obama just before Election Day for giving her a free cell phone would do well to check her grocery bill from time to time over the next four years to see how it compares to what she pays for groceries today.  It has doubled over the past four years and will probably do the same over the next four.  The poorest people will be hurt the most when that happens.  The government cannot keep printing and borrowing money without making our currency almost worthless and not bring on the most devastating kind of inflation.  This is all about gaining power – not compassion for the poor.  Liberals are like fish grabbing at bait, completely unaware that there’s a hook that goes with it. 

We have the means in this country to be living completely independent of any need to be dependent on government handouts for every conceivable need.  Programs administered by the government such as Medicare, Social Security and student financial assistance make sense. But if we get to the point where the bill is sent to the government for everything people buy, the government will be wanting their paychecks too. 

The key to bringing about a healthy economy is energy independence. 
This entire country could be living the lifestyle of the people in North Dakota where the unemployment rate is just a little over 3% because they’re using the wealth of resources they have in oil and natural gas.  The only people not working there are those who are physically incapable and those who do not want to work.  

This country is awash in the natural resources that could provide our needs to make us energy independent.  We just need an administration that sincerely wants to cure the nation’s paralysis, sees where the solution lies and begins to ambitiously make use of it.  We could be paying down our national debt and be free from any need to be relying on hostile countries in the Middle East and elsewhere to be supplementing our oil needs.  Full employment that the energy industry could engender would mean bountiful revenue coming into the treasury that could provide all we need for research and development of renewable sources of energy.  There’s no better way of getting revenue flowing into the treasury than getting people working.  Working people pay income tax and money flows in.  It flows out when people are unemployed.  This is the better way of swelling the nation’s coffers.  It surely beats choking the economy to death with burdensome taxes.

In October of 1973, as punishment for us befriending Israel, OPEC decided to cut oil exports to the United States.  Gasoline prices soared; hour long lines and more were seen at gas stations and rationing was needed.  In 2008 OPEC again put the squeeze on us when they gradually raised the price of their oil to $147.00 a barrel causing a nationwide average of the cost of gasoline to be almost five dollars a gallon and it was a prime mover in causing economic havoc.  We have all we need right here not to have to have any dependence whatsoever on them.  They’d be charging beggars’ prices for their oil if they discovered we didn’t need them. 

But demagogues looking for power don’t want a healthy economy.  Bringing about fiscal chaos with populist tactics has been their way of taking over every republic in history according to the Scottish Historian Alexander Tyler.  It took an average of 200 years according to Tyler.  He reported the results of his studies about the same time Benjamin Franklin said, “We’ve given you a republic.  Now it’s up to you to hold onto it.”  He said that in 1787 when the final draft of the Constitution was approved. 

A favorite line used by Communists and is their credo is, “Never let a crisis go to waste.”  It seems to me I heard someone repeat that line only recently.

A popular label for the generation that lived through World War II was “The greatest generation.”  We’re currently living in the midst of what might be called the “Gimme Generation.”  In WWII we fought to keep our liberty and independence.  Now we live among a vast number of people that choose dependency on a nanny state and all the control that goes with it.  We have the means to be completely independent of it.  We’re like a family on welfare that has a treasure buried in the back yard that we don’t want to make use of because we’re afraid it will ruin the flower bed.    

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