Friday, December 14, 2012

Winners and losers 2012

Winners and Losers 2012:
Winners:                                                             Losers:
Barack Obama                                                   Mitt Romney
Socialism                                                              Capitalism
Progressives                                                      Conservatives
takers                                                                   givers
welfare and food stamp recipients          wage earners and tax payers
Obamacare                                                         The entire U.S. economy
People outside the mainstream                                what was formerly known as “the mainstream”
Ethnic minorities                                              the color-blind
Secularists                                                           Believers
Big Government                                               Limited Government
California, etal                                                   Oklahoma, etal
The Northeast                                                   The South
Peace doves                                                      the military, and America’s national security
Environmentalists                                            Business
The Arab world                                                 Israel
Chinese enterprise                                         American enterprise
Rachel Maddow                                               Bill O’Reilly
Michael Moore                                                 Dinesh D’Souza
Madonna                                                            Clint Eastwood
MSNBC                                                                 Fox News
Chris Matthews                                                                Sean Hannity
The liberal media                                             Rush
Abortion rights activists                                 the unborn
Sandra Fluke                                                      the virtue of abstinence until marriage
Academia /College professors                   people who live in the real world
Pot smokers                                                       traditional family values
Gay marriage                                                     traditional family values
“green” energy                                                 coal, and the Keystone pipeline
Foreign oil                                                           American oil
Electric cars                                                         people who still use gas
[JW1] [JW2] [JW3] Governm[JW4] ent dependency                        self-reliance
Harry Reid                                                           John Boehner
Tax-payer supported programs                 Charities
Urbanites                                                            Suburbanites
Bertrand Russell                                               Jesus
Mohammad                                                       St Paul
Russia                                                                   America
Gloria Steinem                                                  Sarah Palin
Rev. Jeremiah Wright                                     Rev. Pat Robertson
Jerry Garcia                                                        Jerry Falwell  (the other famous Jerry)
adolescents                                                        adults
Hollywood                                                          the Heartland
Criminals and convicts                                    law enforcement, and public safety
The Washington Post                                     The Washington Times
college students                                               tax payers
illegal aliens applying to College                 out-of-state students applying to the same college
personal injury attorneys                             ALL the rest of us
Big Bird / Sesame Street                                               Bob Tomato / Veggie Tales         
George McGovern                                          Ronald Reagan
Abby Hoffman, & the counter-culture    Wally & Beaver
smug Bill Mahre                                                hokey Mike Huckabee
Eric Holder                                                          Darrell Issa
a FREE world                                                      the free world
The Ivy League                                                  the Little League
San Francisco                                                     Peoria
Planned Parenthood                                      their “clients”
free condoms                                                    the Catholic Church
Muslims                                                               Christians
Political correctness                                        freedom of thought
The ACLU                                                            Religious freedom
Liberation Theology                                        Orthodoxy
Big Labor                                                              Big Business
Squatters                                                            Homeowners
The poor now                                                    the poor later
The Brave New World                                    life as we knew it



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