Tuesday, March 27, 2012

'Progressives' are Regressive

"The marionettes of the dependency puppet master" - see the entire Washington Times article:

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Biggest fools

Why is it that the biggest fools are always telling us how smart they are? Fox News has been showcasing those who want to be the poster boys for what a Liberal is and giving us samples of what they’ve been saying – Bill Maher, Ed Schultz, David Letterman, Chris Matthews. I wonder if in the quiet moments of people like these they don’t have moods of depression and an interior feeling of low self-esteem. The tirade that was presented of Ed Schultz as he’s ranting on about Dick Cheney would make you wonder if he isn’t mentally ill. And what kind of a mentality do Bill Maher and David Letterman appeal to as they make denigrating remarks about Sarah Palin’s children? The parasitical way they have of making a living as they appeal to the lower level of intelligentsia of our society, who find humor in what they’re saying, apparently is doing well for them. That is in light of hearing that Bill Maher contributed a million dollars to President Obama’s reelection campaign. What is shown of Chris Matthews is that he chooses to attack the intelligence of conservatives he disagrees with but is totally bankrupt in being able to present arguments of why he disagrees with them. He’s shown to express himself in a most vitriolic way. It must be very frustrating for him not to be able to compete in the arena of ideas.

To see a display of the level of intelligence of liberal talk show hosts check out Michelle Malkin’s article in the 3/12/12 issue of the Washington Times. If not for foul language and vulgar remarks they would have no way of expressing themselves.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Deathnell of the Republic?

This was passed onto me via e-mail - font sizes for emphasis couldn't be replicated

U.S. Department of Justice

W E B S I T E C H A N G E .?
I M P O R T A N T!

Little by little the subtle changes come until one day we will wake up and be the United Socialist States of America. 2012 is just around the corner so get and stay engaged as if our nation depended on it because it does!!!!

U.S. Department of Justice
ditches red, white, and blue stars and stripes.

Well, how interesting! It seems the U.S. Department of Justice has changed its web site.

Gone are the colorful red, white, and blue U.S. Flag decorations on
the page,

Error! Filename not specified.

Replaced by stark black and white.

Error! Filename not specified.

And at the top of the page, is a rather interesting quote:
"The common law is the will of mankind, issuing from the life of
the life of the people."

Catchy, huh? Just one tiny little (too small to be relevant obviously)
point --the quote is from C. Wilfred Jenks, who in the 1930's was a leading proponent of the "international law" movement, which had as its goal to impose a global common law and which backed 'global workers' rights.'

Call it Marxism, call it Progressivism, call it Socialism -- under any of those names, it definitely makes the DOJ look corrupt in their new website with Marxist accessories to match.

See for yourself: http://www.justice.gov/

How very interesting that 'they' couldn't find a nice quote from one of our Founders. People, we have lost our Republic. This is an example of the slow, methodical misuse of power our current government is doing as they lead us to socialism, and destroying our republic as we have known it.

Error! Filename not specified.

Get ready for 2012
Bring back the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA------

Please-----pass this on

Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak.
Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.
Winston Churchill

Saturday, March 10, 2012

This is a note I sent to Bill O'Reilly:

Bill Maher is the visible sore on the skin of an underlying serious illness. Some STDs are like that. The underlying illness in Bill Maher’s case is the sub-culture mentality of the cult following he has that think he’s funny. You gotta give Maher credit. He’s making millions with the putrid comments he makes of conservative women, especially Sarah Palin, that appeals to this sub-cult. We should take them to task, not Maher. He would rot on the vine if not for their support.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Interesting Program

Interesting Program

Frank Luntz’ Fox News program Sunday afternoon 3/4/12, when he had a gathering of congresspeople and private citizens, was very interesting. One of the highlights of the program was when a woman began berating the politicos about their failure to get control of spending and she mentioned that most of the spending was unnecessary. One of the congressmen spunkily responded, instead of cowering under her aggressive delivery, that over half of the budget (I say non-budget) is spent on entitlements. My thoughts were, “Yes, and some of those tax-payer paid entitlements should be the responsibility of the individual, not the tax-payer.” One presently being considered is the one the law student had been demanding as she addressed a congressional committee. Her message was that the government should finance her contraceptives because she estimated it would cost her $3000 through the four years she attends law school. What next?

I’m very satisfied to help pay for Social Security and Medicare and a reasonable length of time to help with unemployment insurance before I would demand that people take the jobs that I see that can’t be filled because they don’t pay the proper amount more than people get with UI. But I do not think I should finance this girl’s sex-capades. I would tell her, “Get control of yourself.”

Saturday, March 3, 2012


For as long as I can remember, liberals liked to tout their guy, or gal, as wiser than Solomon. They did it with Adlai Stevenson in 1956 when he was running against Eisenhower for the presidency. That was when I was a dyed-in-the-wool Democrat and most likely voted for Stevenson even though I didn’t see the wisdom of unilaterally stopping the testing of nuclear weapons that he advocated (kinda reminds me of the latest drive by President Obama to scrap most of our 5000 nuclear weapons and reduce our stockpile to about 300). Six years later we were faced with the Cuban Missile crisis. Fortunately for us, General Eisenhower took over the reins of government in ’56 and “the balance of terror” that the press liked to speak of, had the final result of weighing in our favor.
When Bill Bradley ran for the Senate in New Jersey once again the flag of “Mr. Brilliance” was being waved in our faces. If SAT scores are any measure of how smart one is, it could be very disheartening to the admirers of Senator Bradley to know that he scored 81 points lower than, as the article on the Internet says, the “slow witted” GW Bush – 485-566.
And now we’re being pelted with how brilliant our Apologizer-in-Chief is, in spite of him very guardedly not letting us see his school records. That he has a great glowing charismatic personality and a great gift of gab can’t be denied. He mustn’t get away from the prepared script on the teleprompter though. When he does that he makes almost as many gaffs as Vice-President Biden. I can picture him as having a great career in show business once he’s out of the White House. But as president he’s a disaster.
Does it not occur to President Obama that there’s a better way to stimulate the research and development of renewal sources of energy than purposely driving the price of gasoline through the roof? Does he not know the dampener this puts on the overall economy when families have to spend the biggest part of their budget on gasoline and the trucking and transportation industries are saddled with costs that they have to pass off to the consumer?
This country is the richest nation in the world in oil and natural gas. And if we were to rely on coal alone for many of our needs, except heating our houses, it would take 400 years to deplete our known reserves. Surely, long before that renewables will serve the nation’s needs. (Will it be a Republic then? None ever lasted much more than 200 years.)
The revenue that would be generated with the robust economy that energy independence would give us would not only serve to cure all our financial ills but a certain amount could be dedicated to nothing else but the research and development of the renewables that President Obama is so ardently in favor of. The smothering national debt that impedes our ability to conduct our foreign affairs properly could be gradually paid off instead of just paying the interest on that debt billions of dollars at a time.