Sunday, March 4, 2012

Interesting Program

Interesting Program

Frank Luntz’ Fox News program Sunday afternoon 3/4/12, when he had a gathering of congresspeople and private citizens, was very interesting. One of the highlights of the program was when a woman began berating the politicos about their failure to get control of spending and she mentioned that most of the spending was unnecessary. One of the congressmen spunkily responded, instead of cowering under her aggressive delivery, that over half of the budget (I say non-budget) is spent on entitlements. My thoughts were, “Yes, and some of those tax-payer paid entitlements should be the responsibility of the individual, not the tax-payer.” One presently being considered is the one the law student had been demanding as she addressed a congressional committee. Her message was that the government should finance her contraceptives because she estimated it would cost her $3000 through the four years she attends law school. What next?

I’m very satisfied to help pay for Social Security and Medicare and a reasonable length of time to help with unemployment insurance before I would demand that people take the jobs that I see that can’t be filled because they don’t pay the proper amount more than people get with UI. But I do not think I should finance this girl’s sex-capades. I would tell her, “Get control of yourself.”

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