Sunday, March 25, 2012

Biggest fools

Why is it that the biggest fools are always telling us how smart they are? Fox News has been showcasing those who want to be the poster boys for what a Liberal is and giving us samples of what they’ve been saying – Bill Maher, Ed Schultz, David Letterman, Chris Matthews. I wonder if in the quiet moments of people like these they don’t have moods of depression and an interior feeling of low self-esteem. The tirade that was presented of Ed Schultz as he’s ranting on about Dick Cheney would make you wonder if he isn’t mentally ill. And what kind of a mentality do Bill Maher and David Letterman appeal to as they make denigrating remarks about Sarah Palin’s children? The parasitical way they have of making a living as they appeal to the lower level of intelligentsia of our society, who find humor in what they’re saying, apparently is doing well for them. That is in light of hearing that Bill Maher contributed a million dollars to President Obama’s reelection campaign. What is shown of Chris Matthews is that he chooses to attack the intelligence of conservatives he disagrees with but is totally bankrupt in being able to present arguments of why he disagrees with them. He’s shown to express himself in a most vitriolic way. It must be very frustrating for him not to be able to compete in the arena of ideas.

To see a display of the level of intelligence of liberal talk show hosts check out Michelle Malkin’s article in the 3/12/12 issue of the Washington Times. If not for foul language and vulgar remarks they would have no way of expressing themselves.

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