Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Obama Reflections

Obama Reflections

In reading President Obama’s book Dreams From My Father, I can’t help thinking about a very famous football player who made a choice between living a beautiful life-style among his sports reporter friends or making the choice of practically cutting the head off his girlfriend and living a life of exile.  We all know who that was.  I’m still only into the first 140 pages of O’s book but I wonder how far into the book I’ll be before I stop seeing his preoccupation with race and how it seems more important for him to even a score than to simply be thankful for all the gifts God gave him.  He has a beautiful family, a rock star show-business personality; an education where he’d be in great demand in the business world wherever he’d choose to hang his coat and is already materially comfortable enough for the rest of his and his family’s life.  It seems that more important than anything else in his life is the quest to serve justice on the nation for all the ills ever perpetrated against the blacks that have ever lived here.   

In the early part of the Chicago chapter, 22 year old Barack tells about how he went to work for a consulting house to multinational corporations as a research assistant.  The company was very much impressed with him and he was soon promoted to the position of financial writer.  “I had my own office, my own secretary, money in the bank.”  But he couldn’t overcome his driving ambition to be a community organizer.  The chapter opens with him saying, “….Change won’t come from the top, I would say.  Change will come from a mobilized grass roots.  That’s what I’ll do.  I’ll organize black folks.  At the grass roots.  For Change.”  He resigned from this job after being with the company only a few months and sought work as a community organizer.  A month later he was offered a job “by the director of a prominent civil rights organization.”  He says, “I declined his generous offer, deciding I needed a job closer to the streets.”    

This book is written (so far) as if he has a grudge against this country.  The old term “method to his madness” comes to my mind when I see him putting the country deeper and deeper into debt.  It’s the perfect formula for bringing about despotic rule.   The Scottish historian Alexander Tyler, writing about when our republic was established in 1787, said that every democracy eventually collapses due to loose fiscal policy and it’s always followed by dictatorship.      

That very first paragraph in the Chicago chapter where I quoted his statement of organizing the “black folks” also says this: “When classmates in college asked me just what it was that a community organizer did, I couldn’t answer them directly.  Instead, I’d pronounce the need for change.  Change in the White House, where Reagan and his minions were carrying on their dirty deeds.  Change in the Congress compliant and corrupt.” 

These kind of statements give indications of the young Barack Obama
being a very bitter man and the way he keeps talking about “change” today, that bitterness has not dissipated.  Just what kind of a change does President Obama have in Mind??? 


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