Sunday, January 27, 2013

Obama vs.Obama

Obama vs. Obama

The Kool-Aid people don’t watch Fox News.  They just get their news from the propaganda ministry of the Democrat Party ala the main stream media.  If they did they could have seen an interesting 2006 video of Mr. Obama on the John Stossel program today, 1/26/13.  It showed Mr. Obama before he was president scorching the idea that our national debt has risen from three to eight trillion dollars over the past decade and he’s calling it unconscionable.  In the next breath he’s telling about how that contrasts to the national debt raising to one trillion dollars over 42 presidents and 224 years since our republic was formed.  He’s shown castigating the Bush administration for financing spending programs with borrowed money from China and other nations.    

Now his battle hymn is that it would be irresponsible not to raise the debt ceiling so HIS programs could be financed.  The biggest part of the expenditures he’s talking about are the welfare programs he’s promoting. These programs include such things as unlimited stays on unemployment insurance with no need to look for work; daily doses of contraceptives for Sandra Fluke and her friends; cell phones for people living in impoverished areas of inner cities like the woman in Cleveland that was singing President Obama’s praises for giving her the cell phone and Lord knows whatever other entitlements there are that will create a dependency of people that will be vulnerable for subjugation.  This is not the administration of John Kennedy who encouraged people to be self-reliant and was a great promoter of the capitalist free-market system.  Independent people are the bane of despots that are looking to dominate the populace of a country.  The need is to bring about dependency and keep them on the plantation and use them like puppets controlled by a master puppeteer. 

What does it matter???

Are you kidding Madam Secretary?  You know very well what that question is about that the congressman asked and that it had an element of accusation involved in it.  Were you using the righteous indignation defense as a smoke screen as you responded to the question?  Who but you are more responsible to see that our Foreign Service personnel have proper security?  If we had honest media that paid the same scrutiny to the Democrats that they do the Republicans you’d be roasted alive for not seeing to it that Ambassador Stevens and the navy seals were given the proper security for their protection.  The Ambassador sent several urgent requests to the State Department over a period of many months requesting more protection for the embassy that were totally ignored.  One was as late as 8/16/12 saying that the embassy could not defend against an organized attack.  There was still not a properly organized government in Libya that had a reliable security force formed.  The governing body was still in an unsettled, unstable condition following their recently ended civil war.  If you couldn’t provide Ambassador Chris Stevens the protection he needed you should have gotten him out of there just as the Brits got their personnel out and just as the Red Cross did.  How could you not know that extra vigilance had to be maintained there and everywhere else in the world in view of the fact that September 11th was approaching?                    

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