Saturday, February 2, 2013

Libyan Embassy Attack

Libyan Embassy Attack

Whenever the Democrat politicos or their supporters are asked about the travesty that occurred in Libya on 9/11/12 and how Secretary of State Hillary Clinton dropped the ball, they want to talk about everything but the issue of Ambassador Chris Stevens and the navy seals that were killed with him when Al Qaeda forces attacked the embassy.  They immediately go to talking about the Secretary’s exemplary record in the way she ran the State Department during the time she held the office.  How much do they know about what she did?  Everything in the news over that time seemed to give the impression that President Obama was doing very little delegating regarding affairs of state and had a very hands-on approach dealing with those matters.    

In regard to seeing that our Foreign Service personnel have proper security, the Secretary of State has all the authority he/she needs without looking any further up.  It was the Department of State whom Ambassador Stevens was appealing to for beefed-up protection a number of times before the embassy was attacked.  Instead, two contingents of navy seals and former green berets were withdrawn from Libya within six months of the attack on the embassy. 

It has been reported on Fox News that one month before the attack a cable was sent to the State Department that there were ten separate militia groups hostile to Western interests and an Al Qaeda training ground active in Benghazi.  On August 16th Ambassador Stevens sent a cable saying that the embassy could not sustain an organized attack. 

If someone had an exemplary driving record spanning decades but caused a fatal accident due to gross negligence he/she would still face trial for manslaughter.  Their driving record would have nothing to do with whether prosecution would take place. 

The very fact that the anniversary of the terrorist attack on the “Twin Towers” was approaching should have been reason alone for proper preparation and vigilance wherever we had Foreign Service Personnel stationed

Now, getting to the attack itself:  According to what was reported (and, of course, we don’t rely on the Propaganda Ministry of the Democrat Party, the mainstream media, for this) the navy seals were killed very late into the seven hour assault on the embassy.  We had forces two hours flying time away in Italy that could have come to the aid of the seals.  The ball at that time was then in the hands of the Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta.  Asked why these forces were not called upon, Panetta said, “We can’t send forces into harm’s way without knowing the dangers they face.”  I thought that was preposterous.  Imagine calling the police department to say your place of business was under attack by armed robbers and the Chief made the decision not to send anyone because he didn’t know how serious an attack it was that his officers would be facing.  In the case of the attack on the embassy there were drones overhead that were sending videos directly into the President’s briefing room in Washington DC.    

It was more important for the Obama administration to create the false illusion during the election campaign that they successfully rendered Al Qaeda no longer a threat in the region than it was for it to see that the embassy had the necessary security forces for its protection.  Considering that the Jews have had to endure being driven out of the Holy Land since the time of the Exodus, it’s the highest form of naivete to think that Al Qaeda or any other group hostile to Israel and their friends will ever no longer be a threat.  Western forces supportive of Israel will have to be forever vigilant and prepared for attacks by hostile forces.

A by-word:  Fox News showed a clip of the softball interview of President Obama and Hillary Clinton by Steve Kroft on 60 Minutes Sunday night 1/27.  If this is the kind of mush liberals absorb themselves with it’s no wonder they don’t know anything.  



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