Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Obama's second term chilling plans

Obama’s second term chilling plans:

This is an excerpt from one of the sub-titled articles that follow the post I published entitled Obama remakes America in his image.  It’s entitled
Obama’s gaffe reveals chilling plans for second term: 

At home, his progressive leftist agenda will be redoubled. Mr. Obama will seek to grant amnesty to nearly 20 million illegal immigrants, thereby creating an enduring Democratic majority. He will try again to pass cap-and-trade legislation, hoping to tether industry and manufacturing to government control. If Congress fails to act, then he will empower the Environmental Protection Agency to impose cap-and-trade by administrative fiat. He will soak the rich — including corporations and businesses — through massive tax hikes. Investment capital will flee; economic growth will sputter; and unemployment will soar. His record spending binge will continue, pushing America to national bankruptcy. The dollar will collapse. The international community will insist on fiscal austerity, shredding our social safety net. Riots and civil chaos — like in Greece — may take place.

Leon Trotsky, one of the founders of the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, championed the “theory of permanent revolution” — namely, a ruling class devoted to the ceaseless advance of socialism. Mr. Obama is the Trotsky of our age. A second term will give him the means to complete what he started: the destruction of traditional America.

For a good amount of time before the election I was adding my prayers to the novenas Catholic bishops were leading their congregations through that we would get an administration that would be pro-life and would strongly defend religious liberty.  That, of course, would mean that if the winner was to be Mr. Obama my prayers could only be answered if God was to bring about his conversion similar to the way he converted Saint Paul.  The chance of that happening, of course, I have to consider as being very remote.   While praying I could never discount whether a great chastisement wasn’t being planned by God for the way more and more people were turning away from him and the way society was becoming more and more depraved similar to the decadence of Rome before its demise as a republic in 27 BC.    President Reagan’s admonition, “When we are no longer a nation under God we’ll be a nation gone under" seems to be forever on my mind.

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