Saturday, March 30, 2013

Fair Share

Fair Share

Don’t you love the way the Bolsheviks make rules for people that they don’t apply to themselves – like Al Gore who wanted to sell a business to Al Jazeera before the capital gains tax was to be raised from 15 to 23 percent on January 1st.  He’s also a real patriot – nothing like providing a propaganda camp for Al qaeda right within our own borders.     

We hear a lot about “fair share” when it comes to demonizing the job providers.  I’d like to see the same barbs directed at the gimmeites who are content with living off the public dole instead of taking the jobs that are available.  They’ll drag us all into a Socialist Dictatorship with them if it keeps up.  When are they going to accept the jobs that are being offered so they can pay income tax and get off government welfare?  That would be their fair share.  I would not doubt that there are very few among us that don’t know of someone that is collecting unemployment insurance who doesn’t intend to find work until his/her unemployment insurance runs out.  I know two personally. That of course, does not apply to everyone on unemployment insurance.  When I was losing time at work during very dire economic times in the late seventies, I couldn’t wait to get back to work.  

If you don’t think that there are some people that are content with being unemployed and collecting unemployment insurance, check out the article this link leads to in the 8/10/10 issue of the Wall Street Journal.  What’s true then still applies now:

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