Saturday, April 6, 2013

Ever Expanding Obamacare

Ever Expanding Obamacare

Years ago my aunt decided to try her hand at making bread.  The recipe called for including yeast.  Just about when she finished making the dough it began to expand – and expand and expand some more.  We were running all over the house looking for things to put it in.  We even used the dish-pan. 

I was thinking about that bread - which turned out to be the tastiest bread I can ever remember - when the latest news came out regarding Obamacare.  They are now going to recruit navigators; close to about 100,000 of them.  These navigators will be paid for by the taxpayer to the tune of billions of dollars a year.  They’ll be doing the work that brokers in private industry do who are paid by the insurance companies.

Is there any end in sight about where costs for Obamacare will stop expanding?  Brokers who pay their income taxes into the treasury and are run with the efficiency of private industry will now be replaced with navigators who draw from the treasury and the tax-paying public.  Revenue that flowed in will now flow out.  And because the government draws from that bottomless trough fed by the taxpayer, they don’t have to care how inefficiently they run the program.  One interesting last thing – what a wonderful opportunity for political patronage!

The bread was great and easy on the stomach.  Obamacare is on track to give everyone ulcers.      

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