Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Bishop DeMarzio's Admonition

Bishop DeMarzio's Admonition

A forwarded e-letter:

From: "Liberty Counsel"
Date: Feb 7, 2013 6:04:34 PM
Subject: This Bishop has it right!
To: <>
Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel

Bishop Nicholas DeMarzio says that President Obama “Is a proponent of what is 'shameful and criminal in the eyes of almighty God’” (as reported by
Please see my very important update below – Mat.


There is no doubt that the President who wants to “fundamentally transform our nation” will stop at nothing to advance his radical anti-life, anti-family, anti-liberty agenda.
It has become clear that Barack Obama has but little regard for the moral, spiritual, and founding principles upon which our nation and its culture were established.  

Instead, our President misuses his bully pulpit to advance homosexuality, abortion, contraception, abortifacients, insurmountable debt (which the Bible clearly speaks against), and now gun control – all at the expense of unalienable rights endowed to us by God and codified in our Constitution.
As a result, many basic human rights are now being openly subverted. This abuse has become so intolerable that the right to life of the preborn is not only brushed aside, but those who morally object to the killing of these babies are being forced to pay for their deaths!  

++Falling ever deeper into the “Culture of Death.”

Bishop DiMarzio, in a recent column entitled “Deeper into the Culture of Death,” asserts that President Obama, as the first president of African-American decent, should be among the most outspoken adversaries of abortion – knowing, as he surely must, that Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, always wanted to use the organization to control the births of unwanted Black babies who she felt were inferior human beings.
That’s right – Margaret Sanger was an outspoken eugenicist caught up in the same “master race” insanity that later fully expressed itself in the Third Reich. Her maniacal intent was to “purify” the population of undesirable genetic strains, including Black Americans.

Sanger’s damnable heritage in our culture today are those so-called “clinics” operated by Planned Parenthood, which to this day target minority members of our population, and with taxpayer support, is the largest single abortion provider in the country.

++A failure of executive leadership.

Here’s how the Bishop phrased his disappointment in the Obama presidency…
“He [Obama] has chosen to use the bully pulpit not to call upon us all to be nobler and to embrace each child, regardless of origins and circumstances; rather, he has been a proponent of an expediency that is shameful and criminal in the eyes of Almighty God.
The forces of death press on from every side in contemporary American culture. It is clear there is an assault on the people of faith in our country… In my view, those who voted for President Obama bear the responsibility for a step deeper in the culture of death. Under the cover of women’s issues, we now see an assault on religious freedom and personal conscience.
I would have hoped that the first African-American president of the United States would have stood on the side of freedom for all. Instead, he stands on the side of political expediency.”

++Sadly, Barack Obama knows exactly what he’s doing.

In order to advance his radical agenda, President Obama knows that he must systematically undermine the rights of the citizenry while simultaneously making the population beholden to the government – slaves of the system, if you will.

That is Statism, pure and simple. And its proponents know they must silence those who oppose their escalating power-grabs.

That is precisely what “liberal progressives” are doing. Right now, there is an overt effort to undermine our First and Second Amendment Rights. Rights once guaranteed by our Constitution are being rapidly dismantled.

++ Liberty Counsel has initiated our powerful “I Second the First” campaign for this very reason.

Liberty Counsel’s “I Second the First” campaign communicates to our elected representatives that…
“We the People” demand that our federal government return to the rule of law as established by the United States Constitution!
This is a citizen action that every freedom-loving American should take. If you would, please make your circle of friends aware of this campaign and the availability of the complimentary “I Second the First” campaign stickers.

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