Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Disgraceful Behavior

This is a letter to the editor that appeared in the 2/28/11 issue of the Washington Times:

Disgraceful behavior

By the attitudes and ac­tions of the Wisconsin protesters and other of like mind, we are certain they never would have survived the Great De­pression or World War II like their parents and grandparents, who should be extremely ashamed of their thuggish, childish behavior. Most of us, who pay their inflated salaries, don't get a union, govern­ment, or double dip re­tirement package. We saved ours all by our­selves, by choosing smaller homes, driving our cars 10-15 years, and forgoing lavish sporting/entertainment events.

This regime has elimi­nated 25 percent of our hard-earned retirement, caused a 30-40 percent increase in our medical insurance costs, added 30 percent in food, gas (where's the rage over $3.00 a gallon now?), taxes, and utilities, with no end in sight.  How much more money will you waste before our for­eign lenders take over?  Where will these protest­ers be then?

For years we have poured billions of dollars into education, even our road funds, leaving us with miserable highways. Yet, what do we have to show for this money?  How about more fraud and graft and lazy, illiter­ate students who show no respect for their teachers or their schools.  We have triple the administrators we need, making triple the salary they earn.  We have social programs that impede kids from being productive citizens. We have programs that waste years coddling non-citi­zens through our schools, giving them advantages over our kids who have to pay their own way. We have unqualified teachers who should have never been hired, and who can't get fired, dragging down the dedicated ones who really care.  Don't tell me we can't cut fat out of this Pig.

We are sick, sick, sick of the "entitlement" union thugs demanding more from those who pay their inflated salaries, re­tirement, and medial beanies, and who refuse to participate in rebuild­ing a strong fiscal nation. Where are the repercus­sions from breaking their union/school contract?  Where did they get their professional signs and who paid for them... union dues or your taxes??  Why isn't the Jus­tice Department issuing injunctions to go back to work or not be paid?  Their greed is appalling, and their holding our kids hostage is degrading to their profession and a blight on their character.

B. C. Lochridge

McKinnev. Texas

I have a blog post further down (entitled Lifespan of a Republic) about information that was passed on by Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor, about how republics literally cannibalize themselves and meet their demise because of entitlements.  Tyler states that the average lifespan of a republic is 200 years.

Quote of the Day !!!

"The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed lest Rome becomes bankrupt.  People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance."
 -- Cicero, 55 BC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That was close to the time that Rome ended as a republic and
Julius Caesar took over as the first Roman emperor.

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