Thursday, March 31, 2011

Health Care

This is an article I prepared for my blogsite prior the healthcare bill being enacted into law:

On the issue of Health Care Insurance - and I'd like to see this proposed by an authority who might be listened to quicker than they'll listen to me.

85% of the people are satisfied with their Health Care Insurance. Of the 15% that are not insured there are those who cannot afford insurance; there are those who are well enough off that they're willing to pay for their health care needs as they go; there are those who lost their health insurance when they became unemployed; some can't get insurance because they have pre-existing conditions etc.

I don't see why a health insurance plan can't be modeled after automobile insurance plans. Years ago, and maybe it is still in play, automobile insurers all got together and paid into what was called the Assigned Risk Pool. The pool provided insurance for new car drivers and others who were considered poor risks. By means of this pool, everyone was insured.

If all the health care insurers in the country paid into a pool, such as what is - or was done - in the Automobile Insurance Industry, it could provide insurance to everyone that needs it. It could allay the fears of the insurers that the Government would take over the Health Insurance Industry with a Nationalized Health Care plan.

There are quirks that would have to be ironed out, of course. With auto insurance the law requires everyone to have insurance and no one argues the State's mandate and requirement for people to have insurance because they want to collect if they've been harmed through someone else's fault.

Health insurance is different. It would have to be studied to see if people could be compelled to have it. But all but the well-to-do would surely not want to be without it. A study could be made for those who are in that lower income category to pay according to their means. The poorest would have to pay some small fee or perform community service so they don't clog the system running for treatment for every little sniffle. There would have to be a charity care program set up to care for anyone who is completely incapacitated.

And so it goes for that portion of the people that get their health insurance from this pool that would mimic the Assigned Risk Pool of the Auto Industry. A study would have to be made to see what income level a plan like this should be available to.

As with auto insurance the only Government involvement would be for each state to have a commissioner to settle whatever grievances that might come up.

A privately run plan such as this could end the fears of imposing a trillion dollar burden on the taxpayer over the next decade.

Of course, if we're in the grip of an administration that's bent on transforming our Republic/Democracy into a Socialist/Communist State this plan would not appeal to it.

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