Thursday, April 18, 2013



Is liberty dying in the Good Ole USA?  If it is, here’s what to look for for various reasons why it might be: 

First of all, Gimmeites who are numbering close to having monopolistic  control of the electorate are falling for the false promises of phony politicians who are telling them that they want to give them all kinds of goodies totally free of charge and only because it’s out of the goodness of their hearts.  Where do the Gimmeites think the government is getting the money to pay for all these “free” perks?  The famous French historian of the nineteenth century, Alexis de Tocqueville, said, “Republics endure till people discover that they were being bribed with their own money.” 

How much better off was this country when it had a President like John Kennedy who encouraged people to be self-reliant and producers rather than takers.   And I’m not talking about his brother Ted right now. He was more in the camp of the present occupant of the White House who is doing everything he can to build a cult of dependents.   When Congress wanted to require people on unemployment insurance to show that they were looking for work, President Obama squelched that.  Independent people who want nothin’ for nothin’ can’t be subjugated – dependency people can  

Consider the breakdown of the family.  As the family goes, so goes the nation.  Moral decay has been part of the formula that brought about the fall of every republic that ever came into being.  The Republic of the United States is on a path toward not being an exception.  Check out the article in the Washington Times that this link leads to:

Now for the bunker-buster that would be a major step toward ending law guided by the Constitution:  Globalists led by Hillary Clinton and strongly supported by our new Secretary of State, John Kerry are promoting the idea of turning a big portion of the sovereignty of the
U. S. over to United Nations control by way of forming international treaties such as The Law of the Sea and gun control treaties.  If they succeed in getting these treaties ratified by the Senate the laws will supersede United States law and the populace will find itself under the dictatorial rule of the UN.  Who’s to be thrilled to see that happening?  Certainly not the citizenry of the country.  It could be the dream of someone who envisions him/herself being the head of a one-world dictatorial government.  The Constitutional Republic that was given to us by the Founding Fathers for the people and to be ruled by the people may not be perfect but it’s hardly likely that there’d be many of us willing to give it up for some other ruling process.  There’s no consolation in knowing that the Senate Democrats – or are they Socialists? – don’t have the 66% of the votes needed for ratification.  We don’t know how many air head RINOs there are in the Senate that might go along with the Democrats that support the proposed treaty.

The link below leads to an article regarding the arms treaty:
The Law of the Sea Treaty:  These are some of the provisions that would be incorporated in the treaty that the United Nations is proposing:

·        Would grant the U. N. the power to levy direct taxes on American corporations to the tune of billions of dollars.
·       Would grant them the power to transfer money and technology to Third World nations as part of a Global Welfare Scheme.
·       Would prevent our Navy from stopping ships on the high seas that we suspect are carrying terrorists or weapons of mass destruction without first getting permission from the U. N.
·       Would enable the U. N. to create a Court stacked with judges hostile to the U. S. to enforce its decisions.  

The UNaffordable Health Care Law:

Was the health care law enacted for the good of the people; or was it to get control of them?  Health care administered by the government is a giant step in that direction. 

Eighty five percent of the populace was perfectly content with its health care plans.  And of the fifteen percent that didn’t have health insurance only a fraction of that portion did not have it because of their very difficult financial situation.  Part of that fifteen percent were people well enough off not to need health insurance and could choose whether or not to have it.  Does a multi-billionaire need health insurance?  Another part of that fifteen percent were healthy young adults who could choose not to pay for insurance that they may never need and take the chance that whatever health care costs arose would still be less than the costs of ten or twelve years they would pay insurance premiums.  It’s called the freedom to make your own choices.

Why couldn’t a debit card system have been setup for the indigent funded by the government and dedicated strictly for the use of having them use it to buy health insurance and leave the rest of “we the people” alone?  Such a program would surely have been less of a burden on the taxpayer and save them from the suffocating burden of taxes and penalties that come with Obamacare.  The large majority who were happy with their insurance were not drawing on funds from the treasury.  This would have kept a very intrusive government out of peoples’ lives and continue to allow them to keep living the blessings of liberty.  But that gets me back to the question I started this segment of this post with: was the law for government administered healthcare enacted for the good of the people or to get control of them?  And how happy are we to be that over seven hundred billion dollars has been taken out of already troubled Medicare to pay for a health care system that’s like a monstrous octopus that’s growing bigger by the day?  Wait till Obamacare is fully implemented in 2014 and businesses go out of business or choose not to expand because it will put them into another expense category; how about wage-earners, including those who voted for President Obama, find themselves cut back to being part-time workers and find their paychecks to be a little leaner.             

With all that I mentioned about threats to our liberty in this post I can’t help ending voicing one last thought and that is that I can’t help
thinking about this Old Testament Psalm:

   But My people would not listen to Me;
        Israel would not submit to Me.
   So I gave them over to their stubborn
        hearts to follow their own devices.
                            Psalm 81:  11-12 

As this nation sinks deeper and deeper into the quagmire of secularism and more and more rejecting God, could it be that He has stepped back and left this country to its own devices as He did with Israel thousands of years ago?  President Reagan made a poignant statement that all thinking people, whether a disciple of his or not, should ponder: “When we cease to be a nation under God, we’ll be a nation gone under.”          

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