Monday, July 20, 2009

Hillary the Nominee


Hillary Clinton will be selected by the Democrats to be their nominee for president in 2012 - this I believe. She will resign her position of Secretary of State at the proper time and seriously challenge Obama when the time is right. While most people probably think it's too early to be talking about this now, I am so strong in my belief that this will happen that I feel compelled to write about it now.

Barack Obama will have the economy in such a state of chaos by 2012 (especially if the Democrats continue to control congress after the 2010 elections) that his rock star, charasmatic personality will not be enough to carry the day in 2012 as it did in 2008. This is all he had going for him in 2008. Every time I would hear one of the pundits questioning whether Sarah Palin had enough experience to be VP, I would immediately think of how Obama had nothing in his resume' that would qualify him to be president except a good gift of gab - that is if he had a teleprompter. He commits almost as many gaffs as Joe Biden without it. Fortunate for him the "love is blind" press keeps a "mum is the word" silence about those fopars.

Congressman Chris Smith's address to members of the "House" in March of 2009 provides an interesting preview of what the Democrats will be offering in 2012:

Congressional 'Record

Vol. 155 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, MARCH 31, 2009 No. 54
House of Representatives

"In Awe" of a Eugenicist?


Excerpts of remarks on the House floor

Mr. Speaker, last week, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton visited the Catholic Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City, presented bouquet of flowers on behalf of the American people-a very nice gesture—and then went on to Houston, Texas, to receive the Margaret Sanger Award from Planned Parenthood.

In her remarks, Secretary Clinton said she was "in awe"—I repeat, "in awe"~of Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood. To our distinguished Secretary of State, I respectfully ask: Are you kidding? In "awe" of Margaret Sanger, who said in 1921, " the most adequate and thorough avenue to the solution of racial, political, and social problems." And who also said in 1922, "The most merciful thing that a family does to one of its infant members is to kill it."

Later, in 1939, Sanger wrote, "We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social service backgrounds and with engaging personalities." She wrote, "The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don't want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population," she goes on, "and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members."

Secretary Clinton in her speech said that Margaret Sanger's "life and leadership" was "one of the most transformational in the entire history of the human race." Mr. Speaker, transformational, yes. But not for the better if one happens to be poor, disenfranchised, weak, a person of color, vulnerable, or among the many so-called undesirables who Sanger would exclude and exterminate from the human race.

To me, and to many, including my distinguished colleague in the well, the juxtaposition of last week's two very public events in Mexico City and in Houston bring into sharp focus two huge and irreconcilable world views.

On the one hand, the miracle of Our Lady of Guadalupe has for five centuries brought a message of hope, faith, peace, reconciliation and protection for the weakest, most vulnerable among us. On the other hand, each year, Margaret Sanger's Planned Parenthood kills approximately 300,000 unborn baby girls and boys in their abortion clinics scattered throughout the United States.

Worldwide, the loss of innocent human life at the hands of Planned Parenthood is in the millions. Planned Parenthood even supports the hideous brain-sucking method of abortion called partial birth abortion.

On a visit to the Basilica in Mexico City in 1999, Pope John Paul II publicly entrusted protection of all at-risk human life, including especially unborn children and their mothers, to Our Lady of Guadalupe because the miracle she wrought 500 years ago resulted in an end to the barbaric practice of human sacrifice to a serpent god that claimed anywhere between 20,000 and 50,000 victims a year.

Indeed, the miraculous story of Our Lady of Guadalupe, known so well especially in Latin America, but really around the world, has been extraordinarily compelling and inspirational for centuries.

In 1531, the Blessed Mother appeared to Juan Diego, a native American at Tepeyac, near Mexico City, and asked that a church be built on the site of the apparition. The Catholic bishop was skeptical and asked for a sign. At the behest of the Blessed Mother, and despite the fact it was winter, Juan Diego gathered roses from the site into his tilma for presentation to the Bishop.
When Juan Diego met with Bishop Juan de Zumarraga with the roses tucked under his apron, a miraculous image suddenly appeared on the cloth. The Bishop was stunned, and he believed. The image of the Blessed Mother wasn't painted. There are no brush strokes. To this day, the image defies all scientific explanation as to its origin.

Within a few years of the miracle, more than 9 million Aztecs converted to Christianity and a strong devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe began that continues to this day. Each year, some 18 million to 20 million pilgrims visit the miraculous image in Mexico City.

Last Thursday, Hillary Clinton visited the shrine. On Friday, she paid homage to Planned Parenthood and to Margaret Sanger. Margaret Sanger is the founder of Planned Parenthood. She was a self-described pro-abortionist eugenist and a racist who considered charity care for impoverished, disenfranchised women, including women of color, especially pregnant women, to be "cruel."

In her book, "The Pivot of Civilization," Margaret Sanger devoted an entire chapter that she entitled: 'The Cruelty of Charity," to her inhumane case for not helping-and I repeat that-not helping poor pregnant women with prenatal and maternal care.

Sanger said in the book—and I read her book—"We are paying for and even submitting to the dictates of an ever increasing, unceasingly spawning class of human beings who never should have been born at all."

In chapter 5-again, chapter 5 is called: "The Cruelty of Charity"~she writes, "Organized charity itself is the symptom of a malignant social disease." Sanger writes, "Those vast, complex, interrelated organizations aiming to control and diminish the spread of misery and destruction and all the menacing evils that spring out of this sinisterly fertile soil are the surest sign that our civilization has bred, is breeding, and is perpetuating constantly increasing numbers of defectives, delinquents, and dependents." That's Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood.

She continues, "My criticism therefore is not directed at the failure of philanthropy but rather at its success." Sanger goes on to say, "There's a special type of philanthropy or benevolence now widely advertised and advocated both as a Federal program and as worthy of private endowment, which strikes me," that is to say Sanger, "as being more insidiously injurious than any other. This concerns itself directly with the function of maternity and aims to supply gratis medical and nursing facilities to slum mothers.

"Such women are to be visited by nurses and receive instruction in the hygiene of pregnancy, to be guided in making arrangements for confinement, to be invited to come to the doctors' clinics for examination and supervision. They are, we are informed, to receive adequate care during pregnancy, at confinement, and for 1 month afterwards. Thus, are mothers and babies to be saved, childbearing is to be made safe."

Construing to demean the generosity of pregnancy care centers, Margaret Sanger goes on to say, "The work of the maternity centers in the various American cities, which they have already been established and in which they are supported by private contributions and endowment, it is hardly necessary to point out is carried out among the poor and the most docile section of the city, among mothers least able, through poverty and ignorance, to afford the care and attention necessary for successful maternity.

"The effect of maternity endowments of maternity centers supported by private philanthropy would have perhaps already have had exactly the most dysgenic tendency. The new government program would facilitate the function of maternity among the very classes in which the absolute necessity is to discourage it.

"Such benevolence," she goes on to say, "is not merely superficial and nearsighted." Sanger continues, "It conceals a stupid cruelty. Aside from the question of the unfitness of many women to become mothers, aside from the very definite deterioration in the human stock that such programs would inevitably hasten, we may question its value even to the normal though unfortunate mother.

Sanger concludes, "The most serious charge that can be brought against modern benevolence is that it encourages"~and I say this again~"the perpetuation of defectives, delinquents, and dependents." Such audacity, such an inhumane view of human life.

Mr. Speaker, in her speech at the Planned Parenthood gala accepting the Margaret Sanger award-and I have many other quotes from Sanger that I will put into the Record, and I invite Members and the American people to look at those quotes, and there is so much more.
But in her speech last Friday, Secretary Clinton said she admired Sanger for her vision, was in "awe of her", and that Margaret Sanger's work here and in the United States and certainly across the globe is not done.

Translated, "not done" means more abortions here in the United States, in Latin America, Africa, and Asia, the world. Planned Parenthood's mission statement, documents, and work in the field make it absolutely clear that they seek a global unfettered right to commit violence against unborn children at all stages of development. Planned Parenthood seeks integration of all health care with abortion, with no conscience rights whatsoever for medical practitioners, no parental consent or notification whatsoever for minors. And all of this paid for by the United States taxpayer.

Which begs the question, Mr. Speaker. Is our Secretary of State unaware of Margaret Sanger's inhumane beliefs? Was she not briefed on Margaret Sanger's cruel and reckless disregard for poor, pregnant women? Respectfully, Secretary Clinton should at a minimum return the Sanger award.

More importantly, Congress and the White House must at long last take a long, hard, second look at the multimillion, almost billion, dollar corporation called Planned Parenthood - Child Abuse Incorporated.

Let's be honest, Mr. Speaker. Abortion is violence against children. It dismembers and chemically poisons a child to death. It hurts women physically, psychologically, and spiritually. There is nothing whatsoever compassionate, benevolent, ennobling, benign, or empowering about abortion. It is a violation of a child's fundamental human rights.

Rather than partnering with Planned Parenthood and like-minded NGOs to promote abortion worldwide with hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars, the United States should affirm the inherent value, dignity, worth of both victims of abortion, mother and child. We need to promote nonviolent, life-affirming solutions to women both here as well as abroad. Women deserve better than abortion. We should always and in every way affirm the precious lives of both. And on that score, sadly, Margaret Sanger and far too many others would disagree.

I strongly urge my colleagues to take that second look at Planned Parenthood. It is time to respect the value and the dignity of all human life.

Bulls and Bears

11/22/08 10:48 PM

I found it somewhat tragically amusing to watch the alleged experts on the economy on the Saturday morning (11/22) program Bulls and Bears as they all gave their opinion on how we can revive the economy. It’s like watching a bunch of people walking through a forest asking, “Where are the trees?” Before a solution can ever be found to a problem the first thing that has to be recognized is how the problem developed.

Before the oil producing countries started their extortionist program of raising the price of crude oil out of sight, the economy was cruising along very well. It wasn’t going to be long before every household was going to find their budgets strained that would eventually translate into people’s inability to keep up with their bills and mortgage payments. Trucking and airline industries were to see the cost of fuel more than double putting more of a strain on the consumer.

No one should need a PHD in economics to know that a country is only as well off as what it can produce. I’ll take the “street smart” guy over the PHD any time. Playing checkers with the available cash, as is being advocated by the participants on the Bulls and Bears program, is nothing but a bunch of smoke and mirrors. When my father was out of work after his business of research and development of electronics failed in 1929, he used his skill at glass blowing to make neon signs. Using his bike, he pedaled from store to store getting orders where he could so he could put food on the table for his family.

The economy is now in a train wreck. It takes time to clear a train wreck before the trains can run on time again. This won’t be easy considering the fact that the electorate has put the wrong people in charge of fixing this economy. We’ve got to get into production the development of our natural resources. We can be ninety percent independent if we bring up our own sources of crude oil. Oil producing countries would be competing with one another to provide this country with the other ten percent. This country has the knowledge of how to mine for coal in an environmentally friendly way. If the environmentalists in this country want to do the world a favor they should have us mining for coal here instead of leaving it to third world countries who do not take the pains we take. Along with tapping our own sources of crude oil and a more aggressive mining of coal we should get refineries and nuclear plants built and do everything we can do to develop renewable sources of energy.

Enamored of a glib talking, charismatic young Hollywood starlike personality and with the help of an irresponsible media the electorate has given us a president that does not believe in any of the things I just mentioned. The argument that it would take X amount of years to be effective should be a non-starter if we’re concerned about what our legacy would be for future generations. And a more immediate effect of this developing of our own natural resources would be to be putting people to work and a general restoring of everyone’s confidence that the economy is on its way to recovery.

Obama's Experience


To: Fox News

From: Jack West
Fairfield, NJ

Will someone please tell Alan Colmes that Barack Obama did not win the election because of his experience?

A Republican Governor was a guest on the Hannity and Colmes show Thursday night
(11/13) and during the conversation between him and Alan Colmes he mentioned that Obama had absolutely no executive experience. He answered the governor saying “Obama was elected,” probably implying that enough people did think Obama had enough experience to be president. But that’s not what got him elected.

The Obama camp ran one of the most energetic campaigns in history with a very personable, charismatic candidate with a great gift of gab. He mesmerized so many people to the tune of not caring that he had no experience to be president or commander-in-chief of our Armed Forces. Most blacks voted for him simply because of his African/American roots. Most women voted for him because of his pro abortion beliefs. I said it before and I’ll say it again. Obama would make a great MC at an entertainment event but he’s not ready to be president. I believe a lot of people are going to be very disillusioned and regretful about what lies ahead.

In contrast to the Democrats, the Republicans ran the dullest campaign until about three weeks before the election. Their campaign came to life when Sarah Palin came on the scene. If it wasn’t for her, the expression I heard, “Formula for insomnia” surely could have applied.

When I heard the Republican Governor on 11/13 talking about Obama’s lack of experience I smacked my hands together and said, “Yes! I’m finally hearing it.” Unfortunately too late. I was crying for people to make this an issue during the campaign. While the talk show supporters were in a state of paralysis talking about Bill Ayers, the issue that people were really concerned about was the economy. We could have won the battle over who was responsible for the economy meltdown and the home mortgage crisis. The videos of the Congressional hearings were right on youtube on the Internet for everyone to see. Barney Frank, Chuck Schumer and other liberals were saying there was nothing wrong as Republican Congressmen were exhorting Congress to take action to avoid impending trouble in the housing market. Every time I would hear the comment, “The failed policies of the Bush Administration” I would be crying for the Republicans to meet them head on. Instead of “throwing Bush under the bus” they should have been mentioning why the Democrats caused the energy crisis. This was the root cause of the economy meltdown. The more strain on everyone’s pocketbook and businesses had to finally translate into people falling behind on their mortgage payments. If we could have been tapping our own sources of gas and oil and building nuclear plants while we worked to bring about renewable sources of energy the oil producing countries would never have raised their prices out of sight. They would have been competing for our markets.

Wimpy Campaign

Saturday 10/11/08

To: The Fox News Staff

From: Jack West
Fairfield, NJ

When is McCain going to take off the kid gloves and wage a campaign that makes sense! He’s waging the wimpiest campaign of any that I’ve ever seen. I remember the campaigns of Harry Truman, John Kennedy and Ronald Reagan; all of whom I had a lot of admiration for. They knew how to make things a contest.

The big issue today is the economy. McCain can win that fight. Nothing resonated more with me than when I watched reruns on Fox News of Barney Frank, Chuck Schumer, Chris Dodd and other liberals raising a hullabaloo when President Bush, John McCain and other supporters of their positions were saying that something has to be done about Fannie May and Freddie Mac and that something has to be done about their reckless behavior of providing risky loans. Nothing would be more effective than for McCain himself making the case that it was these Democrats that have been responsible for the economic crisis we’re in now. Obama is very quick to blame the Bush administration for the debacle. Why doesn’t McCain fight back. He should go right at Obama - and with enough passion to make an impact. He should talk about the intimidation tactics of ACORN and the harassing tactics they used against bankers, actually demonstrating in front of their homes to get them to give loans to people who were a high risk to pay off those loans. These are the people the liberals championed and continue to support and they‘re the ones at fault.

Unless McCain can come up with unrepentant statements by Bill Ayers closer to when he waged his campaign for the presidency he should drop the subject. Things that happened decades ago have little impact on people. It’s only giving the impression that he’s trying to distract from the issue that people are most interested in. Not to fight back on this issue is almost a capitulation that it was the Bush Administration’s fault.

There are bigger things Obama should be called to task for than Bill Ayers and it’s what’s going on right now with ACORN. Another thing that should be looked into is what Obama was doing when he visited his terrorist cousin in Kenya during his term as United States Senator.

We also do not need a Commander-in-Chief that goes around the world telling other nations what a bad country we have been. I have an e-mail that was forwarded to me with the picture of Obama standing with his hands folded in front of him while Hillary Clinton and the Governor of New Mexico are standing with the proper posture while making the Pledge of Allegiance. Is his allegiance to this country or is it somewhere else?

The most opportune time for McCain to present these arguments is when he’s involved in the kind of format he was involved in yesterday - Friday 10/10 - not debates moderated by Tom Brokaw. I didn’t have high hopes for that debate when I heard that Brokaw was going to select about fifteen questions from a pile that were to be sent in by numerous viewers. That was tantamount to having Tom Brokaw make up the questions. If this wasn’t a serious matter I could have doubled over with laughter when I heard the last question. I could fill an encyclopedia with what I don’t know. And it’s exactly there where I’d look for my answers.


On another matter and a regard of the consequence of an Obama victory, John Reidell writes this in his website ( “If this law is enacted, and embryonic stem cell research and the like are further promoted as a result of this coming election, eroding further our moral life as a nation, it is possible history will record that calamity followed in the wake of the election that the nation voted in its own chastisement.”

He’s talking about Senate bill S 2020 - “A bill to prohibit the government from protecting the unborn from abortion.”

Obama Campaign Issue

Thursday 11/6/08

Obama Campaign Issue

Obama made a campaign issue about the national debt going up six trillion dollars under President Bush’s watch. In case he forgot and thought other people did, Muslim terrorists declared war on us and we went after them. That was the price of the war that has kept us safe at home under Bush’s watch. And for the sake of those who don’t know, Muslim terrorists have been waging war, in different degrees of intensity, against everything that is not Muslim from the time of Mohammed in the seventh century. They’ve been waging war against the United States for at least 40 years. We finally got the wakeup call on 9/11 and went after them. President Bush kept them pretty busy on their own turf.

I’m sure a lot of people wouldn’t want me to be president because I would go one further. Just like you hold the ringleader of a trouble making gang responsible to keep his people in line, I would do that with the terrorists. I would appoint the nation that is most outspoken - in this case Iran - about wanting to destroy us, to be our guardian. I would put them on notice that if we are hit with a surprise attack anywhere in the world we will strike one of their cities - preferably Teheran. I might be kind enough to give them 48 hours to evacuate the city to show that we are not the barbarians they are that murder innocent citizens.

One last thing I would like to say about President Bush is the good-humored way he handled unfair criticism. Never did he respond in kind to the way some of his critics made remarks about him.

Sen. Biden Letter


To : Fox News Staff

From: Jack West
Fairfield, NJ

This is an open letter to Senator Joe Biden that I‘ll also put on my blog site:

Dear Senator Biden,

When you cry the blues about the questioning of Senator Obama’s patriotism one thing should be remembered. Patriotism and pride of country are synonymous. Do we really need a president and commander-in-chief that goes around the world apologizing for what a mean country we have been. I don’t have to tell you about the merits of this country. It would fill volumes. You could start with two world wars that if we had not become involved in would have had dramatically different outcomes.

I don’t expect Democratic candidates for president to sing the praises of the party they’re trying to unseat. But we could be reminded that not everyone has the low opinion of this country that Barack Obama has. There are many people in this country and outside of this country that share the opinion so beautifully articulated by a Canadian woman who asked a question on the Mike Huckabee show Saturday night (10/18). This is a verbatim account of what she said:

Lynn from Canada:

"Thank you Mike. My question is for Mike and Joe. And I wanted to know - I’m visiting from Canada. I’m proud to live next to what I believe is the greatest nation in the world for doing good for others in your history.

I understand the anger with the economy. But I don’t understand the direction. George Bush has been a great president. He kept you safe for seven of his eight years. The economy has been booming. Since the Democrats took Congress, looking from my side, I’ve seen huge increases in spending. Mr. Bush has kept you safe. He’s kept the war off your shores. Now he’s bringing you home in victory. And again, you’re such a great nation. You’ve freed a country over there. You’ve given the people schools and hospitals. Why are people angry with George Bush and the Republicans and not Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, ACORN, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac….?"

I could give Lynn an answer she probably already knows of who is very largely responsible of why this is. It’s because we have a very dishonest mainstream media. If every news service did their job of reporting the news like Fox does instead of making every article an editorial promoting their left wing agenda things would be far different. With Fox we get the news and legitimate people from both sides of the aisle doing analysis and presenting their views. This is the way a news medium should work.

This is a link to an excellent program that shows exactly where the fault lies for the current economic crisis:

National Pride

January 2, 2007

Yesterday I attended the ceremony of religious profession of my daughter. She made her last set of temporary vows prior to be making her final vows to be a Carmelite Sister for the Aged and Infirm. The permanent vows will be made at a Mass ceremony to take place at the Motherhouse in Germantown, New York next month. Yesterday’s ceremonies took place at the nursing home and convent where she’s stationed in Bayside, New York.I managed to find a parking space around the block on this warm rainy day behind a ranch wagon that was obviously owned by a marine. Boldly and proudly emblazoned on the back of his ranch wagon were the words, "Once a Marine, Always a Marine." This has generated a number of thoughts in my mind since seeing that. My first reaction was to say, "You betcha - you are a marine and always will be and will always have every right to be proud of it."Whatever happened to the sense of pride of country that permeated our culture that prevailed in other years? Between the quisling entertainment industry and a media which is more of the propaganda ministry for Al Qaeda than it is a news reporting industry we’ve got more and more people running around like dogs with their tails between their legs. What Hollywood needs is another George M. Cohan and others like him.We get a daily dose of, "Bush has a 34% approval rating." Every car bombing in Iraq gets publicized by the media free of charge for the terrorists within hours after it happens. Comments about the President’s approval rating don’t necessarily mean he’s wrong. It could mean that 66% of the country doesn’t see that we’re in the throes of a new world war. Anyone who doesn’t believe that should bring up the interview on the internet of Osama Bin Laden by a reporter in the Sudan in 1998 where Bin Laden explained the worldwide holy war he had planned to cleanse the world of the "infidel." If that wouldn’t revive memories of Hitler’s Mein Kampf and the plans he had to rule the world nothing would. The Bin Laden interview could help people make sense of why radical Islamic terrorists are carrying out their atrocities in London, Indonesia, Spain and other places if they don’t have their heads completely buried in the sand.In the Bin Laden interview that I am citing, he tells of how the terrorists don’t have to defeat the adversary on the battlefield and that it’s only necessary to inflict enough casualties to destroy their resolve. With the help of the media cheering the terrorists on it certainly could be harder and harder to convince him he’s wrong. He used the example of what happened in Somalia in the early part of the ‘90's.In just about every war this nation was ever involved in the nay sayers were quite shrill and outspoken. Less that 20% of the available manpower fought the British in the Revolutionary War. In the War of 1812 Connecticut wanted to secede from the Union. The cry for an end to the Civil War and sentiment to defeat Lincoln for reelection and Elect McClellan in 1864 almost succeeded except for a key battle won by the Union that turned the tide of the electorate in Lincoln’s favor. If McClellan had been elected he wanted to come to an agreement with the South that would have split the Union into two nations. Who knows what the repercussions would have been over the long term if that had happened.The so called 34% approval rating of Bush being driven by the liberal media wasn’t much different than what they were giving Reagan over his Strategic Defense Initiative program. And when President Ford pardoned Nixon saving the country from the gore of a media circus they practically wanted to scalp him. History has proven that Ford and Reagan were right and history will write kindly about Bush too. True leaders don’t rule by poll taking or what the price will be that they have to pay politically. They simply do what they know is right.

Terri Schiavo

March 30, 2006

"What you do to the least of My brothers you do to Me."Christ’s words to this effect bring to mind how the killing of Terri Schiavo was like killing Christ all over again. It’s also interesting to notice how many of the circumstances involved with the execution of Terri correlate with the execution of Christ. While Christ’s murder was by methods much more horrific than Terri’s, her’s was nevertheless effected by one of the most inhumane ways imaginable. The methods of execution were different but they were both unmistakenly murdered. Depriving someone of food and drink just because they’re too incapacitated to feed themselves is not the same thing as removing a ventilator or a pump that’s artificially pumping blood through one’s veins.Another circumstance about Terri’s execution that compares to Christ’s is thatthe citizens of Jerusalem could not legally kill Christ themselves. They had to prevail upon the Roman authorities to do their bidding. Michael Schiavo could not kill Terri but he could get the pro-euthanasia Judge Greer to sentence her to death. And when appeals were made to other courts, judges pulled a Pontius Pilate approach to the matter and simply washed their hands of it and wanted nothing to do with the case.Terri’s death probably closes the book on ever getting the answers to how she got to the state she was in or why Michael Schiavo was so determined to see her die or why he never made the slightest effort to get her therapy that might have made her more capable of functioning. What was he afraid of?