Monday, July 20, 2009

Obama's Experience


To: Fox News

From: Jack West
Fairfield, NJ

Will someone please tell Alan Colmes that Barack Obama did not win the election because of his experience?

A Republican Governor was a guest on the Hannity and Colmes show Thursday night
(11/13) and during the conversation between him and Alan Colmes he mentioned that Obama had absolutely no executive experience. He answered the governor saying “Obama was elected,” probably implying that enough people did think Obama had enough experience to be president. But that’s not what got him elected.

The Obama camp ran one of the most energetic campaigns in history with a very personable, charismatic candidate with a great gift of gab. He mesmerized so many people to the tune of not caring that he had no experience to be president or commander-in-chief of our Armed Forces. Most blacks voted for him simply because of his African/American roots. Most women voted for him because of his pro abortion beliefs. I said it before and I’ll say it again. Obama would make a great MC at an entertainment event but he’s not ready to be president. I believe a lot of people are going to be very disillusioned and regretful about what lies ahead.

In contrast to the Democrats, the Republicans ran the dullest campaign until about three weeks before the election. Their campaign came to life when Sarah Palin came on the scene. If it wasn’t for her, the expression I heard, “Formula for insomnia” surely could have applied.

When I heard the Republican Governor on 11/13 talking about Obama’s lack of experience I smacked my hands together and said, “Yes! I’m finally hearing it.” Unfortunately too late. I was crying for people to make this an issue during the campaign. While the talk show supporters were in a state of paralysis talking about Bill Ayers, the issue that people were really concerned about was the economy. We could have won the battle over who was responsible for the economy meltdown and the home mortgage crisis. The videos of the Congressional hearings were right on youtube on the Internet for everyone to see. Barney Frank, Chuck Schumer and other liberals were saying there was nothing wrong as Republican Congressmen were exhorting Congress to take action to avoid impending trouble in the housing market. Every time I would hear the comment, “The failed policies of the Bush Administration” I would be crying for the Republicans to meet them head on. Instead of “throwing Bush under the bus” they should have been mentioning why the Democrats caused the energy crisis. This was the root cause of the economy meltdown. The more strain on everyone’s pocketbook and businesses had to finally translate into people falling behind on their mortgage payments. If we could have been tapping our own sources of gas and oil and building nuclear plants while we worked to bring about renewable sources of energy the oil producing countries would never have raised their prices out of sight. They would have been competing for our markets.

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