Monday, July 20, 2009

Terri Schiavo

March 30, 2006

"What you do to the least of My brothers you do to Me."Christ’s words to this effect bring to mind how the killing of Terri Schiavo was like killing Christ all over again. It’s also interesting to notice how many of the circumstances involved with the execution of Terri correlate with the execution of Christ. While Christ’s murder was by methods much more horrific than Terri’s, her’s was nevertheless effected by one of the most inhumane ways imaginable. The methods of execution were different but they were both unmistakenly murdered. Depriving someone of food and drink just because they’re too incapacitated to feed themselves is not the same thing as removing a ventilator or a pump that’s artificially pumping blood through one’s veins.Another circumstance about Terri’s execution that compares to Christ’s is thatthe citizens of Jerusalem could not legally kill Christ themselves. They had to prevail upon the Roman authorities to do their bidding. Michael Schiavo could not kill Terri but he could get the pro-euthanasia Judge Greer to sentence her to death. And when appeals were made to other courts, judges pulled a Pontius Pilate approach to the matter and simply washed their hands of it and wanted nothing to do with the case.Terri’s death probably closes the book on ever getting the answers to how she got to the state she was in or why Michael Schiavo was so determined to see her die or why he never made the slightest effort to get her therapy that might have made her more capable of functioning. What was he afraid of?

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