Monday, July 20, 2009

Sen. Biden Letter


To : Fox News Staff

From: Jack West
Fairfield, NJ

This is an open letter to Senator Joe Biden that I‘ll also put on my blog site:

Dear Senator Biden,

When you cry the blues about the questioning of Senator Obama’s patriotism one thing should be remembered. Patriotism and pride of country are synonymous. Do we really need a president and commander-in-chief that goes around the world apologizing for what a mean country we have been. I don’t have to tell you about the merits of this country. It would fill volumes. You could start with two world wars that if we had not become involved in would have had dramatically different outcomes.

I don’t expect Democratic candidates for president to sing the praises of the party they’re trying to unseat. But we could be reminded that not everyone has the low opinion of this country that Barack Obama has. There are many people in this country and outside of this country that share the opinion so beautifully articulated by a Canadian woman who asked a question on the Mike Huckabee show Saturday night (10/18). This is a verbatim account of what she said:

Lynn from Canada:

"Thank you Mike. My question is for Mike and Joe. And I wanted to know - I’m visiting from Canada. I’m proud to live next to what I believe is the greatest nation in the world for doing good for others in your history.

I understand the anger with the economy. But I don’t understand the direction. George Bush has been a great president. He kept you safe for seven of his eight years. The economy has been booming. Since the Democrats took Congress, looking from my side, I’ve seen huge increases in spending. Mr. Bush has kept you safe. He’s kept the war off your shores. Now he’s bringing you home in victory. And again, you’re such a great nation. You’ve freed a country over there. You’ve given the people schools and hospitals. Why are people angry with George Bush and the Republicans and not Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, ACORN, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac….?"

I could give Lynn an answer she probably already knows of who is very largely responsible of why this is. It’s because we have a very dishonest mainstream media. If every news service did their job of reporting the news like Fox does instead of making every article an editorial promoting their left wing agenda things would be far different. With Fox we get the news and legitimate people from both sides of the aisle doing analysis and presenting their views. This is the way a news medium should work.

This is a link to an excellent program that shows exactly where the fault lies for the current economic crisis:

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