Monday, July 20, 2009

Wimpy Campaign

Saturday 10/11/08

To: The Fox News Staff

From: Jack West
Fairfield, NJ

When is McCain going to take off the kid gloves and wage a campaign that makes sense! He’s waging the wimpiest campaign of any that I’ve ever seen. I remember the campaigns of Harry Truman, John Kennedy and Ronald Reagan; all of whom I had a lot of admiration for. They knew how to make things a contest.

The big issue today is the economy. McCain can win that fight. Nothing resonated more with me than when I watched reruns on Fox News of Barney Frank, Chuck Schumer, Chris Dodd and other liberals raising a hullabaloo when President Bush, John McCain and other supporters of their positions were saying that something has to be done about Fannie May and Freddie Mac and that something has to be done about their reckless behavior of providing risky loans. Nothing would be more effective than for McCain himself making the case that it was these Democrats that have been responsible for the economic crisis we’re in now. Obama is very quick to blame the Bush administration for the debacle. Why doesn’t McCain fight back. He should go right at Obama - and with enough passion to make an impact. He should talk about the intimidation tactics of ACORN and the harassing tactics they used against bankers, actually demonstrating in front of their homes to get them to give loans to people who were a high risk to pay off those loans. These are the people the liberals championed and continue to support and they‘re the ones at fault.

Unless McCain can come up with unrepentant statements by Bill Ayers closer to when he waged his campaign for the presidency he should drop the subject. Things that happened decades ago have little impact on people. It’s only giving the impression that he’s trying to distract from the issue that people are most interested in. Not to fight back on this issue is almost a capitulation that it was the Bush Administration’s fault.

There are bigger things Obama should be called to task for than Bill Ayers and it’s what’s going on right now with ACORN. Another thing that should be looked into is what Obama was doing when he visited his terrorist cousin in Kenya during his term as United States Senator.

We also do not need a Commander-in-Chief that goes around the world telling other nations what a bad country we have been. I have an e-mail that was forwarded to me with the picture of Obama standing with his hands folded in front of him while Hillary Clinton and the Governor of New Mexico are standing with the proper posture while making the Pledge of Allegiance. Is his allegiance to this country or is it somewhere else?

The most opportune time for McCain to present these arguments is when he’s involved in the kind of format he was involved in yesterday - Friday 10/10 - not debates moderated by Tom Brokaw. I didn’t have high hopes for that debate when I heard that Brokaw was going to select about fifteen questions from a pile that were to be sent in by numerous viewers. That was tantamount to having Tom Brokaw make up the questions. If this wasn’t a serious matter I could have doubled over with laughter when I heard the last question. I could fill an encyclopedia with what I don’t know. And it’s exactly there where I’d look for my answers.


On another matter and a regard of the consequence of an Obama victory, John Reidell writes this in his website ( “If this law is enacted, and embryonic stem cell research and the like are further promoted as a result of this coming election, eroding further our moral life as a nation, it is possible history will record that calamity followed in the wake of the election that the nation voted in its own chastisement.”

He’s talking about Senate bill S 2020 - “A bill to prohibit the government from protecting the unborn from abortion.”

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